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Subject: Re: Economical

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Date Posted: Thursday, July 24, 06:46:54am
In reply to: Matt7195 's message, "Re: Economical" on Thursday, July 24, 06:27:17am

Well, lets just toss aside the fact that you're talking about something impossible. They arent going to ban kids. Perhaps one day there will be a set amount of people that you are allowed to have, but there will never be a ban on kids.
Now that that is thrown out, lets be rational. Not all kids are retarded hellions who eat glue. Some kids are actually cool.
I worked at a daycare all through highschool, so dont give me this elitist "I've had to babysit kids, so of course I know what they're all like" Some three and four year olds are a pain in the ass. I will give you that. But most of them are really cool. They say the damndest things, and are sweet and caring. You try to find a 18-22 year old boy who is caring. In all reality though, what you and most of your peers are shying away from is the difficulty of raising children. Yes, it isnt easy, yes, they will get on your nerves sometimes, but what is important is what they will become, not what they start off as.
And lastly, it is not every child who can scream your ears off, or cry the ABC's. Some of them are actually caring and worthwhile. I, personally, want children, but I want the former. The most interesting people come from fucked up children.

So in conclusion, Skylar makes funny realizations, and I wont dismiss the fact that some of the things he pointed out are hilarious, and that he has some interesting points; however, he's wrong. Children shouldnt be banned. They add color to things around you.

Let me also point out that I am not some freak who has her whole motherhood planned out, but I do think, that down the road, I will be ready and able to have kids. I used to say to myself "never EVER am I having kids" but then I realized what a silly thing that was to say. I know I'll have at least one kid. I dont know when or with whom, but there will be one. It's like an achievment to successfully raise a kid, and my kid will be gloriously fucked up to the point that they are the coolest adults you have ever seen.

Oh yeah, and to save all my friends... I wont do that "Awww isnt he SOOOO smart?!" bullshit that most parents do. I mean honestly lady, he's three and he recognized Red. It's not like he discovered a flaw in some radium while using his play microscope. Now, if there's something that should be banned... it should be THAT bullshit.

yeah. Im done.

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Subject Author Date
Re: EconomicalMatt7195Friday, July 25, 07:08:49am
Re: EconomicalThe LarskyMonday, July 28, 03:39:04pm

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