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  • Help find Mavis Gatenby's (D'emden)birth and place -- Kris, 08:45:51 06/17/06 Sat (nme-pr3.tpgi.com.au/
    I am trying to find out about my Nan on my biological mother's side.
    Here is the info I have. She was born in QLD, just after the turn of the century, she moved to Tassie when she married my grandfather, Albert. Her maiden name was D'emden.
    Do you know anyone with that name from QLD? Thanks for looking.

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  • Looking for Linley and Nathan ANYOS -- Stacey Anyos, 15:47:11 03/11/05 Fri (mail.agfcharter.com.au/
    I am looking for my children. Any information about their whereabouts would be greatly appreciated. They were abducted about 9 years ago.

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  • Eliza Eddens -- Marie Young, 09:36:02 09/28/05 Wed (ess-p-144-134-71-96.mega.tmns.net.au/
    I am trying to find the date and place of death of Eliza EDDENS (formerly WAGHORN and STAPLEY nee FROST). Eliza was born in 1810 in Ilminster, Somersetshire, d/o Thomas and Elizabeth FROST. She married three times
    1) Daniel WAGHORN in Tonbridge Kent in 1830
    2) Joseph STAPLEY in Tonbridge Kent in 1833
    3) Higginson (aka Robert)EDDENS in Sydney Australia in 1846.
    Last known when she gave permission for her daughter Mary Ann EDDENS to marry Henry SMITHERS in Grafton NSW Aus in 1862. Mary Ann was actually Mary Ann STAPLEY but was known as her step-fathers name Eddens
    She had two sons by Joseph STAPLEY (1) Thomas born 1840 (2) William born circa 1841/1842

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  • Edward William Kidd & Elizabeth Betts / Hawthorn - Adelaide -- Jennifer Ruth Walker, 04:32:33 04/13/08 Sun (

    I wonder if anyone is related to the above couple. Edward William was born in Cawston, Norfolk in 1863 and married Elizabeth in Adelaide on 26 September 1890.

    Elizabeth's biological father was George Betts who died in 1875 at Wallaroo. Her mother Ellen Cracknell then married William Hawthorn in Wallaroo in 1876 when Elizabeth was 3 years old. Elizabeth was sometimes known as Hawthorn.

    Edward William emigrated to Australia in 1881 with his father William Kidd born 1827 Cawston, Norfolk. He left his wife Susan Crane born 1837 and 10 other children behind in Hevingham, Norfolk.

    Edward William Kidd is my great grandfather Frederick Kidd's brother who moved from Norfolk to Yorkshire in the 1890's.

    I would love to be in contact with any relatives of Edward and Elizabeth.

    I have a list of children I think are their family, but there is some confusion because an Edward William Kidd son of George Kidd and Matilda Jones married a Lydia Lang in Hindmarsh on 21 September 1898, but I don't think they are related.

    Hope to hear soon

    Kind regards

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  • HAROLD TREDWELL LONGMUIR MCKENZIE -- Terry (Simmonds), 21:46:24 09/02/20 Wed (NoHost/

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  • Looking for info on Kenneth, Doris and Michael Brown - Sydney Area -- Simon Appleby, 01:57:52 11/16/16 Wed (cpc84527-newc17-2-0-cust113.16-2.cable.virginm.net/

    I'm researching the Australian leg of my family tree, but like with everything else hit the proverbial brick wall.

    I'm trying to find much as possible about Kenneth Hallowell Brown who died in 1980 in New South Wales B: 1917 in Reading in the UK, but no reference to where he died, and was buried or cremated, does anyone know ?. I can supply more information where needed.
    Also chasing his ex-wife Doris Brown nee Hodgson B: 25/12/1919 in the UK, but passed away in 2005 again in NSW more than likely in the Sydney area.
    One more thing very little information on their son Michael (Hallowell?) Brown who unfortunately committed suicide from the Sydney Harbour Bridge in the 1970's. There is no information on that at all nor about any subsequent burial or cremation.

    I hope someone out there may help or point me in the right direction.

    Thank you in advance.

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  • Looking for any whereabouts of Heinrich Kautz -- Bernd Kautz, 09:00:53 07/21/18 Sat (b2b-78-94-195-189.unitymedia.biz/
    My great great grandfather Heinrich Kautz arrived in January 1864 on board of the Susanne Godeffroy (passenger 426). He was a cooper by professsion. Has anybody a clue where I can find out what happened to him or where I can find a trace. He was born probably in 1826.
    I would love to get any information.

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  • looking for david evans -- norman speed, 15:12:56 11/20/08 Thu (CPE-58-165-178-209.nsw.bigpond.net.au/
    looking for any information on a david george evans
    born aug 1939 or 1940
    parents were charles evans and ruby lottie arscott
    he has a half sister who trying to find me

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  • looking for knowledge of Edward Thomas Purdy 1877- ? -- Anne Holland (stumped), 13:06:02 02/21/15 Sat (NoHost/
    Edward Thomas Purdy was a british immigrant coming out on the "Port Albert" in 1891. He married my grandmother Mary Ann Cutler in Coleraine victoria in 1896. They moved to Broken Hill. Edward was a miner. I have not been able to find any knowledge of him after 1903. I cannot find any recorded death in any State. My Grandmother re-married in 1914 in Adelaide and on her marriage certificate her status was marked as widow. I need help as to where to go from here. I would be very grateful for any ideas.

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  • William Percy Egan m. Ellen Mary Feeney - Australia -- Jenny S, 14:33:26 11/09/14 Sun (ppp121-44-56-253.lns20.syd6.internode.on.net/
    Looking for details of decendants

    William Percy Egan born 22.12.1847 Bathurst, NSW no date of death
    Ellen Mary Feeney born 1857 - 1922
    born Molong, NSW, died Riley St, Sydney, NSW

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  • Smith Lancelot Noel of Boree -- Liz Burden, 21:06:03 05/11/17 Thu (115-188-32-218.jetstream.xtra.co.nz/
    Found 1888 photo of Lancelot Noel Smith born 1845 and another one of Vi Smith. Of Boree. Believe he is the son of John Smith originally Cornwall, England. sheep station people ?
    Just wanted to pass the photos on or scan them to send on to a proven family member who is actively researching the family.
    I am not doing this family myself.
    I am trying in NZ to find a contact for this family in NSW.
    Liz Burden

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  • Searching for My grandparents or other relatives -- Jan Stephens, 08:57:06 10/02/08 Thu (c122-108-127-227.sunsh1.vic.optusnet.com.au/
    I am searching for relatives of my late father Francis Stanley Roberts.
    He gave his birth place as Golburn New South Wales & his father was Augustus who was listed as farmer. He didn't know his mother or her name.
    We always believed he was of German decent becuase of the way he pronounced different words but has since learnt that he could have been of Polish decent.
    When you looked at the late Pope there was something about him that also looked like my father
    Would be extremely grateful if any body can assist me in my search for my family roots.
    I would love to know about this side of my family
    Many thanks for any help others can give me


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