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Subject: *Kevin hears Samantha approach. He looks at her.* D'you mind sniffing out the fresh ingredients? Dunno if you can understand me, but I'm sure Ned can translate. I want some fresh food, as I don't intend on setting sail right away. Got a story to tell first, and it's best told over good fresh food.

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Date Posted: 22:10:58 11/26/03 Wed
In reply to: Kevin Baker 's message, "*A older teen/youngish adult walks about, looking a tad lost.*" on 16:42:52 11/09/03 Sun

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**Ned looks indignantly at the human boy** Not understand you? Why, dogs are most intelligent creatures! We can understand humans fine. It's you two-legged creatures that haven't the sense to know what we canines speak of. BEN: Hush, he can't hear you. **To Kevin** He says he would gladly translate anythign needed. NED: Ooh, you dreadful fibber! BEN: **Ignoring Ned** Whilst she's searching other things out aboard, why don't you give me a prolouge. What's this... story, you say, about? (NT)Ben & Ned08:33:36 11/27/03 Thu
    AGH! what is with that color! Sorry Kevin, typed in the hex code wrong... Must think... 005500.... 005500... #005500... **Tears at computer screen** (NT)Ben08:38:32 11/27/03 Thu

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