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*A meow emits from a nearby tree--only not a regular meow, more like the whine of a siren. The cat curled up in the knothole is quite unhappy, but this only effects her meow in the slightest; it's every bit as obnoxious when she's NOT wet.* ~I can't believe I was such an idiot, but there I go again, blaming myself when it's my fault. Amy? Oooh, where is that girl when you really need her...~ (NT) | Cass | 17:15:04 11/09/03 Sun |
*Kevin's ears perk up as he hears the meow. He walks over, feeling pity for the cat in the tree. Where is its owner? he finds himself thinking. He walks up to the tree, attempts to dry off his hand, and reaches into the knothole to pet the cat. He'd always liked cats, but the trouble was they generally disliked him. As he reaches, he says in a calm voice.* Where's your owner, little cattington? You don't look like you belong out here... I guess I do belong out here; that's why I can't find a place to stay... Fate's telling me to stay outside, maybe... (NT) | Kevin Baker | 17:27:56 11/09/03 Sun |
**Ben is out on a walk, without a coat or jacket, whistling jauntily. Seeing Kevin and Cass, he stops and waves.** Hi Kevin, Cass! Where's Amy? Er, sorry, can't answer that, right. May'ap you c'n speak through Ned 'til she arrives... but I can't find Ned... So not. Need somewhere t' stop? And we can take Cass with us until Amy shows up... If she shows up... They're a team, y'know... OOC: Inside Kevin... | Ben | 18:46:09 11/10/03 Mon |
*Kevin pauses and looks at Ben.* Wait, who's Cass? And how do you know my name? I only just arrived... Who are you, and who's Ned? OOC: My response... Bwah. | Kevin Baker | 19:25:15 11/10/03 Mon |
Ned's helpful sometimes! I've seen Cass afore, she was with the crew of the Old Dutchman that got all boarded up. Ned saw you a bit back an' told me someone was coming... I assumed it was you. Correctly, by your reaction. Are you joining? **Digs in his pocket and pulls out a crumpled peice of paper** Or if not, consider it! ((PAPER CONTENT INSIDE)) OOC: **Snorts and eyes him with suspicion** An' I know th' disobediance wan't a sign o' you tryin' t' take o'er TFD because...? | Ben | 20:11:32 11/10/03 Mon |
*Kevin is quite taken back by Ben's friendly nature. He slowly takes the slip of paper, and reads it a couple of times. He looks back at Ben and hands back the paper.* For starters, you've not answered any of my questions... I still don't know who Cass, Ned, Amy, or you are, or how you knew my name... And now you want me to hop aboard a ship, quick as y'like... Though, I do like ships... *He absentmindedly scratches the cat behind her ears.* I think I've guessed that the cat here is Cass... But what about you and the others? (Inside) | Kevin Baker | 20:42:34 11/10/03 Mon |
*The cat arches her back and purrs, and she nuzzles Kevin* ~Hey, c'mon, more petting, less talking!~ *She licks her tail and looks expectantly up at Kevin with big green-gold eyes. She glances at Ben and Ned, and the cat gives them a nod* ~'Llo, Ben, Ned...*snort* Dogs...~ (NT) | Cass | 18:56:14 11/11/03 Tue |
*Kevin continues petting the cat, thinking Gee, this is weird... Normally, any other cat would've ripped my hand off by now... He looks at Ben.* Well? Got any answers? Or should I just blindly trust you, because you're a wacko standing in the rain without any real protection? (NT) | Kevin Baker | 15:44:24 11/12/03 Wed |
**Grins** For your first question, I'm Ben, for the others, Ned is my dog, and Amy is Cass's telepathic partner, a girl. She's usually here to translate what Cass wants to say. If not, Ned can, but sometimes he gets catspeak muddled. Ned is mine, we can talk quite well now. He seen you walking up 'round here, and notified me, and I assumed you were this "Kevin". As for trusting me, what more honesty could you get than from a wacko captian of the Dutchman standing out in the rain? 'Tis the mark of true sanity and trustworthiness, I assure you! ((OOC: INSIDE)) (NT) | Ben | 19:36:41 11/12/03 Wed |
*Kevin, not knowing the truth about Ben, blinks a bit.* You're a strange kid. Telepathic partners and the Flying Dutchman... Oh well, I've nothing better to do, and I need a place to stay... C'mon Cass, we'll find your owner... *He plucks the cat out of the tree and hides her under his cloak. Then, turning to Ben.* Y'know, kid, if I wasn't so dead tired, I'd probably call you a loony and walk away... Oh well. Lead on, Cap'n. Gotta rest sometime. (Inside) | Kevin Baker | 11:08:40 11/13/03 Thu |
*Cass arches her back a bit, and she narrows her eyes a tad* ~Own me? Hah! Don't you know a cat can never be truly owned? But, all the same, you're quite nice for a human. Almost as good as Amy--where is that girl, drat her!~ (NT) | Cass da Cat | 15:55:22 11/13/03 Thu |
*a girl with blonde hair walks down the path* Hi Ben, Hi Cass*gives her a pet* Hi Ned! *gives Ned a pat *looks at Kevin* Who's this? | Buster Brown | 16:38:04 11/13/03 Thu |
*Kevin instinctively draws Cass in closer to his chest, even though she's not his, and he says.* I'm Kevin Baker... Lost and confused... Who are you? (NT) | Kevin Baker | 14:57:30 11/14/03 Fri |
OOC: Sorry I couldn't reply yesterday... Spent three hours sobbing on the couch, then went shoe-shopping. Can you tell Ben's player is a girl IRL? Oh yeah, Inside: BIC: **Ben waves at Buster** 'Allo, coming to sign up at the New Dutchman? I do believe you were in the crew of the last one...**Grins inwardly in realization of Kevin not "knowing"** ...And Kevin, I'm not kid, most likely older than you by a couple of years... So's Ned here... and the Flying Dutchman? She's somewhere to the southeast... if we walk far enough in a straightish line, we'll get there. I made sure on the way here. Don't worry, if we get lost I have a map. But I don't want it getting wet, so... NED: **Offers a paw at Buster and sniffs to Ben** Why need a map? Huh, with a faithful hound like me at your heels, what more could a young pup like you ask for? | Ben | 18:00:07 11/14/03 Fri |
*Kevin stops.* You're a rotten liar. I thought you'd be honest, just by looking, but that's not possible. You older than me; you've got to be, what, 13, 14? *He grins.* If that's the case, that gives me five or four years on you, 'cause I'm 18. *He laughs.* Only way you could be older than me is if you had some magic or something spiritual working for you! *He laughs hard and continues walking and stroking Cass as his creator chokes on the dramatic irony.* And inside, oh REO Ben type... | Kevin Baker | 21:40:34 11/14/03 Fri |
*smiles, in a catlike way, creator giggling helplessly at the aforesaid dramatic irony* ~You don't know how right you are, kid! Er...lesse. You're not a kid, are you? No. You're an almost-adult! There, that's settled. You know, you'd be an old man in cat years...* (NT) | Cass da Cat | 06:06:48 11/15/03 Sat |
*smiles secretly* Oh, believe me, he is much older then you believe me* | Buster | 10:58:54 11/15/03 Sat |
((OOC: Eh, inside again.)) Me? Liar?! **Looks at Kevin aghast** I am no such a thing! Listen to young Buster here, she has sense! And curb thy mutinous toungue... Wouldst thou wish to challenge my Captaincy with thy age? Thou wouldst not get far, for my age is greater than thine anyway. Er, lesse, I was born in 1606... and now it's... er, what year is it again? ((Since you started it, Kevin, I'll let you say... Just wahtever you do, don't make me like 6 years old or something... **Rolls eyes** Of course, Ben wasn't even on the Dutchman in the books then... Other than that, anything goes as the books are anything from 1620-...?)) | Ben | 13:37:56 11/15/03 Sat |
*looks at Cass, even if she can't hear Cass* I wnader how long this is going to go* | Buster | 17:57:00 11/15/03 Sat |
*Kevin stops again and gazes at Ben, ignoring the fact that he's standing in a deep puddle.* Born in 1606? It's 1819!!! (Random year. If anyone disagrees, I can change.) How? What? Why? What? What? *He eventually just mouths words.* (Inside, if y'please Ben/Brockers.) | Kevin Baker | 20:12:19 11/15/03 Sat |
- ((OOC: Your forgot REO. She is the most important of them all, because she will rule the world one day. Never forget that. **Insane cackles**)) BIC: **Ben points down at the puddle** If y' don't like the rain, you might be wanting to move... **Shruggs** I'll tell you about it later. As for that, though, lesse, I'm... er... 213 years old! So I outrank you by far. **Scratches Ned behind his ears** I can't remember Ned's birth date off the top of my head, so I won't go there. It's on some paper on the Flying Dutchman somewheres... Next thing you know, you will say there is no Dutchman. Or that it is just a legend. Then you will say that I am a lunatic. Then you will go away muttering, and leave me to argue with Ned and the others here that believe me. It gets old, y'know. **Rolls his eyes** (NT) -- Ben, 21:00:18 11/15/03 Sat
*Kevin continues mouthing, and then he finally regains composure. He addresses Ben.* Well then. I've decided I have to come along. Just to find out all this stuff. Lead on Cap'n. (NT) | Kevin Baker | 19:05:18 11/16/03 Sun |
**Ben grins** Good! Bring that musket I see, it might be useful if someone unwelcome comes. NED: **Snorts** Again, what need have you of a musket, when you have a dog like me? (NT) | Ben | 19:53:20 11/16/03 Sun |
*a yellow dog runs up* ~Hi, my name is Samantha, *after a while* oh, i keep forgeting, you guys can't even hear me* looks at ned* Can I come along where ver you guys are going? | Samantha | 06:54:01 11/17/03 Mon |
*Kevin nods at the new dog as he readjusts the rifle on his back.* I suppose that this one is also part of our jolly mad crew of people and animals, Ben? (NT) | Kevin Baker | 13:56:59 11/17/03 Mon |
~You bet!~ *Samantha looks at Ben ~That is if it is ok with the Cap'n of course~ *pauses*~I keep forgeting, You guys can't hear me!~ | Samantha | 15:00:11 11/17/03 Mon |
**Ben grins as Ned translates Sam's message** Sure, 'tis fine with me! **Winks at Kevin** You haven't seen them all... **Sets off southeast, Ned mumbling about having to be middle-hound in conversation.** (NT) | Ben | 17:52:07 11/17/03 Mon |
*Kevin, as he walks through the puddles.* So does everyone on your bonny crew have a partner to share thoughts with? And how soon til the ship? I'm thinking I may have an idea for an adventure, Cap'n willing of course. (NT) | Kevin Baker | 22:04:14 11/17/03 Mon |
~I don't, Except for the fact that Ned and Cass can understand me.... | Samantha | 07:44:39 11/18/03 Tue |
**Shruggs** Most don't. From what I know, only Amy and Cass are, they have certificates and everything for proof. Then there's Ned n' I. Other than that... **Wry grin at Buster** I don't think Andrew's coming back... he had to leave for time contraints and well... I do know that Hope was thinking of hcanging her name and species. But I'm not quite sure. Hmm, Kevin what's that? I like adventure... **snigger** Do I get to whack off Razan heads? Joking... but what is it? Ship's not too far, you can see the dock in the distance... **The woods slowly begin to thin out into a clearing...** (NT) | Ben | 19:16:03 11/18/03 Tue |
*Kevin grins as he winks at Ben.* Don't you worry Cap'n, I've got something... Just lead on to the boat and feed me up a bit. And of course Cass here. And Samantha. And Ned. And Buster. And you. And anyone else. We'll talk over fire and food. (NT) | Kevin Baker | 20:42:02 11/18/03 Tue |
*smiles wryly at Samantha* ~Another dog, lovely. Food, you say? I like my fish baked, thank you, no raw fish for me. That's disgusting.~ *closes eyes and purrs a bit* ~That's right, Nice Kevin Boy, keep me warm, that's it. Out of this fiendish rain!~ (NT) | Cass | 19:30:41 11/19/03 Wed |
**Grins** Sound good t' me! NED: ~Hmph, cats. Apparently wants a boneless fish filet, sprinkeled with lemon and topped with a four-leaf-clover. Huh, I like my bones, thank you!~ BEN~*To Ned* Ooh, you dreadful fibber! Cass said no such thing... I'll make her a nice baked fish, eh? **Scratches Ned's ears and continues on, whistling** (NT) | Ben & Ned | 19:38:36 11/19/03 Wed |
*smiles back to Cass* Nice to meet you too....*laughs heartily at Neds remark | Samantha | 08:28:47 11/20/03 Thu |
*watchesNed, Ned, Cass, and Sam, all look at each other, turns to Kevin* Don't you just wish we can understand what they are saying? | Buster | 08:33:59 11/20/03 Thu |
*Kevin shrugs as he scratches Cass behind the ears.* I dunno about that, Buster... I'd imagine they'd think an awful lot about food... And I'd end up feeling hungrier than I was to begin with... Though I bet now they all heard me and are willing to attack me... Oh look, I think the ship's ahead... (NT) | Kevin Baker | 11:41:57 11/20/03 Thu |
Still it would be fun........ | Buster | 14:44:59 11/20/03 Thu |
*looks at Cass being smoldered to death, while she get soaked through* Cats, they always get the attention..... | Buster | 14:46:53 11/20/03 Thu |
~That's because we're royalty, dear...*glares at Ned* ~Actually, that sounds quite lovely, but I don't want to disconvenient anyone...too much.~ (NT) | Cass | 15:45:40 11/20/03 Thu |
**Pats Buster on the shoulder** But rain isn't so bad! Makes food grow. I like it. **Stops of a moment, staring squint-eyed up at the sky and catching a raindrop on his tongue** M-hm, I do think it is the ship... **Strains his eyes straight ahead, and grins widely** 'Tis! The Flyin' Dutchman, over there! **Pats Ned, listenting to his disgruntled remarks** ~And what of dogs being Man's best friend?! Oh, you won't be disconvenienting me... 'Tis the duty cook for tonight you'll be disconvenienting! (NT) | Ben | 18:57:25 11/20/03 Thu |
*As they approach the ship, Kevin ponders aloud.* So who'll be cooking tonight, I wonder? I'd bet that our two canine companions are splendid cooks. *He grins at Samantha and Ned as they draw upon the ship.* (NT) | Kevin Baker | 09:21:56 11/21/03 Fri |
*A random piratey looking otter runs by with a short, roman gladiator looking sword. He yells aloud as he deals a hefty slice to the font.* Die, evil font o' doom! I'll send ye to Davey Jones' locker! HAHAH!!! | Swiftstream Brooktail: Font Slayer | 09:24:41 11/21/03 Fri |
*And with a swish of a coat, dreadlocks, beads, a few feathers, and the distinct aroma of rum, the tipsy Captain goes back to Lakewood.* (NT) | Swiftstream Brooktail: Vanquisher of Unruly Fonts Everywhere | 09:33:16 11/21/03 Fri |
OOC: **Another otter pops up and waves a stick at the retreating form of Swift** You made it smell like RUM! Away with ye, foul beast of bread! **Swishes the stick threateningly** BIC: **Ned glares at Kevin's statement and uses his paws to stop Ben and rummage in his pack with his mouth. Grabing a large, floppy chef's hat, he stalks over to Kevin and deposites it in his own hands, winking at Samantha.** If cats are royalty, at least the dogs are nobles! They should most definitely not have to cook! Make the pups do it, I say! Little wet-behind-the-ear humans, hope they don't burn food! (NT) | Ned | 13:12:09 11/21/03 Fri |
~Wet behind the ears? We're all wet behind the ears. Even Her Highness, Me.~ *snuggles deeper under Kevin's coat* ~Servant Kevin Boy, make me food! Being royalty is such fun.~ (NT) | Cass | 19:05:07 11/21/03 Fri |
*Kevin stops at the boarding plank, unsure as to whether he should board. He looks at Ben.* Cap'n first? (NT) | Kevin Baker | 10:14:19 11/22/03 Sat |
**Bows** Eh, go ahead. I'm not in a fancy protocol mood right now... Hmm, I wonder if there are any more humans about? 'Sides for you, me, and Buster... Aminals are nice, but dogs can't climb masts or cook... **Looks at the cat bundled in Kevin's jacket** And I wouldn't dare propse that a royal cat do so much... (NT) | Ben | 15:16:05 11/22/03 Sat |
*Kevin nods and walks up the walk way. He stands about, still soaking, looking around.* Erm, Cap'n Benjamin type? Erm... Where does a hungry lad go to fix himself and a crew of starving beasts something to eat around here? (NT) | Kevin Baker | 09:03:57 11/24/03 Mon |
**Ticks off on his fingers** First, not Benjamin. No harm, but Ben is Neb switched, stadning for Nebuchadnezzer. Benjamin's fine if you forget, but if you call me Nebuchadnezzer... **Looks meaningfully over the side into the waters below.** Second, galley's down there, to the right, then another right, then a slight left, then straight on. Can't miss it. Unless I gave the wrong directions... **Tries to follow them mentally then sighs** Oh, come on, I'll show. **Starts off down a hallway** (NT) | Ben | 14:31:57 11/24/03 Mon |
*Kevin follows Ben into the galley. He walks over to the fire place, and using some flint and the steel on his knife, gets a fire started. He pulls off his tattered cloak and plops it along with Cass in front of the fire. He scratches Cass under the chin and says,* Just lie there, Cass, you'll warm up quick... Now, where'd Samantha go? I could use her right now... Need to find ye old stores of food... (NT) | Kevin | 12:55:30 11/25/03 Tue |
**Ben goes by a row of cupboard,s counting.** Three... seven... ten! **Opening one, he grabs a few small sacks and arranges the contents on the center table.** Lesse... we have dried apples and apricots from last year, a few salted nuts from a couple of years ago, some dried beef... **Continues to name many preserved foods as he sorts through them** ... and that's ye olde food ration shoppe. But if you want fresher food, we do have it. Not everything aboard here is as old as I am. **Opening another small door, he pulls out a lemon.** Ned likes lemon zest on his meat for dinner. **Shruggs** Spoiled, he is. How many other dogs about get lemon zest, I wonder? (NT) | Ben | 20:15:37 11/25/03 Tue |
Re: *A golden Lab follows Kevin*~Somebody call? No that you can hear me~ | Samantha | 18:15:14 11/26/03 Wed |
*Kevin hears Samantha approach. He looks at her.* D'you mind sniffing out the fresh ingredients? Dunno if you can understand me, but I'm sure Ned can translate. I want some fresh food, as I don't intend on setting sail right away. Got a story to tell first, and it's best told over good fresh food. (NT) | Kevin | 22:10:58 11/26/03 Wed |
**Ned looks indignantly at the human boy** Not understand you? Why, dogs are most intelligent creatures! We can understand humans fine. It's you two-legged creatures that haven't the sense to know what we canines speak of. BEN: Hush, he can't hear you. **To Kevin** He says he would gladly translate anythign needed. NED: Ooh, you dreadful fibber! BEN: **Ignoring Ned** Whilst she's searching other things out aboard, why don't you give me a prolouge. What's this... story, you say, about? (NT) | Ben & Ned | 08:33:36 11/27/03 Thu |
*Tryes to roll her eyes.*~Humans! I guess I better go and sniff out some ingrediants, just what kind do you want? | Samantha | 08:44:28 11/27/03 Thu |
Re: Woops wrong color, sorry buster.. | Samantha | 08:45:33 11/27/03 Thu |
**Amy stumbles in, yawning and streaching** Hello.... Oh, my aching head! **Groans and pulls out the ingrediants to make a sandwitch** (NT) | Amy Autumn | 15:51:52 11/27/03 Thu |
**Ben grins** Finally! Sleepin' Ugly's alive again! Nah, just kiddin'. But Cass's been tryin' to say stuff, and your help is most welcome. **Motions for her to lay the stuff on the table, but leave it alone.** When Sam comes back with any fresh food, though I thought most was in these two cupboards here, we can all eat together while Kevin here tells a story. Oh! Sorry. Kevin, this is the famous Amy, Cass's telepthic partner, and Amy, this is Kevin, the famous wandering youth with a giant musket. Didn't believe me from the beginning when I told him about me either. (NT) | Ben | 17:58:17 11/27/03 Thu |
**Amy wheels around to see Kevin for the First time** Oh Hello! **Shifts a little uncomfertably at the Giant Musket and notices Cass for the first time** ~Amy~(To Cass): So that's where you were, Your Higness! (NT) | Amy Autumn | 05:32:22 11/28/03 Fri |
*Sam comes back carrying food in her mouth*~Hmm, there you are! Food. *sits down and lays on the floor* | Samantha the Dog! | 08:20:39 11/28/03 Fri |
OOC: Whoofff... Stuffed with food... Urrrrgh... Turrrrrrkehhhhh.... BIC: *Kevin tips his hat at Amy.* A pleasure to meet you, I'm sure. Your cattington is nice, though a bit pampered, if I might say so. Nice cattington, though. *He walks over to Samantha and scratches her behind the ears.* Thankes much, Sam! I'll whip up some good vittles in a mo'... *He pats her one more time and announces.* Hope no one's offended by stew... Great stuff to have on a cold day like today, it is... (NT) | Kevin Baker | 14:04:51 11/28/03 Fri |
~Oh, dear girl, THERE you are! A might troublesome if I do say so myself, not having someone to translate my lovely and wise thoughts.~ *curls up in Amy's lap, giving her an oh-so-sweet glance that means "Pet me! And quick!"* (NT) | Cass | 17:13:43 12/04/03 Thu |
~someone is sure impatient..... | Samantha | 18:24:49 12/04/03 Thu |
~Lovely and wise thoughts.... Hmmmm..... Yes. Indeed lovely and Wise.... Hmm....~ **Carefully watches Kevin while abesntmindedly (sp?) pets Cass then shakes her head startled realizing she was staring.** (NT) | Amy Autumn | 13:17:58 12/06/03 Sat |
*Kevin whips out his fat hunting knife and whacks up potatoes and carrots. He chucks them into a pot of boiling water and turns about to looks for some beef to put in.* Well... I've got a map, you all see... I'm not sure what it leads to... I'm not sure who drew it... I found it when I, erm... *He looks shiftily from side to side.* Erm... helped a rich merchant a ways away from here. Anyways... I was wondering if you'd all like to check it out... (NT) | Kevin | 22:49:27 12/06/03 Sat |
*looks suspiously at Kevin*~there is something suspiouys about that boy.. | Samantha | 18:51:55 12/07/03 Sun |
*Kevin coughs a little nervously and says,* Oh look, stew's done! *He begins ladling it into bowls for everyone, saying aloud.* So, do you all mind following this map and seeing where it leads us to? (NT) | Kevin | 00:16:49 12/09/03 Tue |
*sniffs her bowl and begins lapping it up* ~Not bad, Kevin boy. Amy, dear, tell him that I would be most delighted to follow it, as maps usually lead to treasure, and...~*purr* ~Treasure is a worthy cause.~ (NT) | Cass | 10:17:07 12/10/03 Wed |
**Takes his bowl appreciatively** Mm, smells good! Might be appointing a new cook soon... NED: That would be nice. You aren't too good with the salt, Ben. BEN: Anyway, map... I like maps! not that I use them a lot... **Shifty glance in the direction of his cabin** 'M not too good at... erm... keeping them... I always lose them... But as long as you keep your map I don't see why we can't follow it! And I'm guessing the merchant's trade was not entirely legal? Not like I care, s'long as you don't get my Dutchman sunk by some rabid Freebooter. (NT) | Ben | 15:41:52 12/10/03 Wed |
~I will just pretend not to hear that.....~ | Samantha | 16:58:14 12/11/03 Thu |
*Kevin looks warily at Samantha.* What? What are you looking at...? *He sips at his stew while casting nervous glances at Samantha.* (NT) | Kevin | 22:19:32 12/11/03 Thu |
OOC: Sorry about the wrong color...BIC: *Samamntha lays her head on her paws still looking at Kevin* ~Ned, you have to admit, there is something strange about that kid, A dog can sense that....~ | Samantha | 11:48:34 12/13/03 Sat |
Uhhh.... Kevin! I don't mind following the map! And I think Cass might also.... **Takes a bowl of soup then takes a sip.** Mmmm... Good soup. **The girl settles back and starts to think** That dream was weird.... Was creapy.... I do hope that.... Oh dear! This is too confusing! It would have been okay if Kevin haden't come but.... Oh Dear!OOC: The italics was what Amy thought, if you coulden't figure that out.... (NT) | Amy Autumn | 16:02:44 12/14/03 Sun |
*Kevin still casts wary looks at Samantha as he rises and reaches under his big floppy hat. He produces an old sheet of folded parchment. He spreads it out on the table, narrating aloud.* You can see here clearly marke the Colombo Peninsula... That's not too far from here... The route... *He whips out the knife and points at a dotted line.* Can be easily followed as depicted here... Now, you'll notice that it doesn't head straight... *He points at the various locations marked with circles.* I believe that we need to travel to all of these to collect something for when we get to the main goal... Here... *He points at a large red X on an island called...* The Isla Del Susto... (NT) | Kevin Baker | 22:41:53 12/14/03 Sun |
*Cass peeks curiously at the map, slinking toward it off of Amy's lap to examine it more closely* ~It looks all right. Treasure, treasure, that sort of stuff is quite appealing. What next, Kevin-boy?~ (NT) | Cass | 17:03:55 12/15/03 Mon |
*turns to Cass* ~Does it look alright to you? Please tellme that I am not ht eonly one around here that senses that that boy is not telling us everything....* | Samantha the DOg | 16:53:23 12/16/03 Tue |
*cattish shrug* ~I'm a cat, we have different morals than dogs. That Kevin-boy petted me and rescued me from the rain; I think we can trust him and that map.~ (NT) | Cass | 18:03:26 12/16/03 Tue |
*Kevin twirls his knife and sticks it in his old, fat leather belt. He then picks up the poncho/cloak contrivance and pulls it over his head.* So, that's what I'm doing. I'm going to follow that map. Don't know if it's treasure, don't know if it's death, but I know that it should be a bit of an adventure. *He picks up the map and looks at Samantha pointedly as he speaks.* Now, I know I may seem shady... And my past isn't really the best... To be honest, I was planning on commandeering a small boat and doing this on my own. But as I can have a crew... And you all seem good, so I was hoping we could get along... But, if some of you can't just accept me-- *Look at Samantha* Then I think I will ditch this ship and go commandeer a vessel on my own and go face certain death and peril... *He walks over and picks up his musket as he begins to walk out.* (NT) | Kevin | 20:44:39 12/16/03 Tue |