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Subject: *Kevin still casts wary looks at Samantha as he rises and reaches under his big floppy hat. He produces an old sheet of folded parchment. He spreads it out on the table, narrating aloud.* You can see here clearly marke the Colombo Peninsula... That's not too far from here... The route... *He whips out the knife and points at a dotted line.* Can be easily followed as depicted here... Now, you'll notice that it doesn't head straight... *He points at the various locations marked with circles.* I believe that we need to travel to all of these to collect something for when we get to the main goal... Here... *He points at a large red X on an island called...* The Isla Del Susto...

Kevin Baker
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Date Posted: 22:41:53 12/14/03 Sun
In reply to: Kevin Baker 's message, "*A older teen/youngish adult walks about, looking a tad lost.*" on 16:42:52 11/09/03 Sun

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*Cass peeks curiously at the map, slinking toward it off of Amy's lap to examine it more closely* ~It looks all right. Treasure, treasure, that sort of stuff is quite appealing. What next, Kevin-boy?~ (NT)Cass17:03:55 12/15/03 Mon

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