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Subject: **Bang**

Ben & Ned
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Date Posted: 18:19:14 12/17/03 Wed

**Ben and Ned had been listening to the conversation, and decided it was time to interviene. (sp?) Ned moves over in front of Kevin and nudges the door closed, growling at Sam lightly and staring up into Kevin's eyes**

**Ben walks over and places a hand on his shoulder.**

Come on, mate, don't be that way. We'll help s'long as you don't commandeer this ship...

**Stands back** If you want to go that's fine. I won't stop you. But you don't really need to go and risk getting in trouble, while you have friends here... **Stares at Sam** At least some.

((OOC: Just like you to make me post when I'm s'posed to be in bed.... I'll prob'ley get grounded, so nice knowin' y'all!))

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*Cass nods and nuzzles Amy's leg* ~C'mon, you can't let that Kevin-boy get away!~ *the cat slinks up to Kevin and begins nuzzling him* ~C'mon, pet me, you know you want to.~ (NT)Cass09:47:47 12/18/03 Thu
*Kevin looks at Sam.* Ahh... I don't blame her... *Kevin sets down his musket and sits down at the table.* Probably in dog's nature to be suspicious or something, I dunno... Haven't been around them much... And comandeering a ship of this size would be nearly impossible. Can't get it ready all by me oneses. However, one of those smaller sailboats would've been do-able... But yeah. *He pulls out a flask from inside his cloak and sips at it.* Sorry I flew off the handle like that... Not used to people... So, are we going to do this? (NT)Kevin11:00:21 12/18/03 Thu
*growls back at Ned* ~ I am willing to be helpful, I just have this feelin' that he is not telling us everything,~ *keeps looking at Ned* ~but if this dog doesn't want me here, I will just leave........~OOC: My character, is as you can tell, wierd personality.. hee hee, and remember, only Ned and Cass can hear me at the moment. Ban, and Amy could of they want...Samantha the Weird16:02:42 12/18/03 Thu
((OOC: This is good! Character conflict is good! Just as long as we know that, and it doesn't go out of hand, let's see where this goes... Also, Cass and Ned can hear you, yess, but no humans can unless you get yourself a Telepathic Partner. See the link on the sideframe...))NED: **Growls a little more forcefully at Sam** Hmm, but you don't seem to sense the things I've done that could be called suspicious, eh? Are you going to try and turn Ben away from me because I was once on firnedly terms with a Bucanneer? Or the rest of thr crew against him because he was too? We don't need to know everything. I trust him, and with the things I have seen and done, I should know. If you can't accept that, or us as we are, leave. **Softens** Be as before, we don't want you to, mate! Just relax a bit. Have you nothing in your past that you wouldn't want to reveal?** (NT)Ned17:55:48 12/18/03 Thu
OOC: Character conflict is good. It's very good. Really, all Kevin wants is friends. He's been alone a long time... He just wants friends... And it's kind of painful for him to be thought of so untrustingly by people and beasts who until recently were getting along with him. I have nothing against any of you. I understand characters and all. Like Ben said-- Keep that in mind and we'll all be fine. BIC: *Kevin removes the map from under his big floppy hat and spreads it out on the table again, muttering.* I stole it off the merchant... Along with my knife, off of a hunter... And musket from a military camp... And hat and clothing from a shop... It's all stolen... There. I'm a thief. I've stolen from many. Now that that's out there, can we all go on? (NT)Kevin00:07:45 12/19/03 Fri
OOC: I love to do Character fights, Just tell me to stop if I go to far... ~I have nothing to hide!~Samantha08:23:25 12/19/03 Fri
((inside))Samantha the DOg...15:17:08 12/19/03 Fri
((OOC: Err, sorry about Amy starein'. She just had a bad dream involving Kevin and a Bucaneer but never seeing Kevin in her life before, it really disturbs her. Sorry....)) (NT)Amy The Autumny One07:17:58 12/20/03 Sat
**Amy looks a bit shocked at all the things Kevin has stolen but stays quiet. She had stolen before so she shoulden't put her big mouth to work.** (NT)Amy Autumn...07:19:38 12/20/03 Sat
*ggoes up to Kevin* don't worry mate, all of use probably stolen something once before...Buster08:21:04 12/20/03 Sat
OOC: Don't worry about the dream. It's cool that you're doing that. Kevin just didn't know he was in the dream and was a bit weirded by the staring. He's not in Amy's head you know. BIC: *Kevin shrugs.* I've stolen loads, believe me... But anyway... I figure, we could set sail for this little island first, right out here. *He points at a rather large island off the coast.* (NT)Kevin10:09:31 12/20/03 Sat
~Of course we can go there first. *clambers into Kevin's lap* Now pet me, you silly Kevin-boy!~ (NT)Cass06:40:37 12/24/03 Wed
*Kevin absentmindedly scratches Cass behind the ears as he looks at Amy.* Why do you keep looking at me, Amy? Do I look like someone you know...? (NT)Kevin Baker10:56:08 12/24/03 Wed
*rolls eyes at cass*~Cats...~Samantha16:00:22 12/24/03 Wed
*grabs a sandwich and startss to eat* Is anyone going to eat htese besides me? Buster16:01:45 12/24/03 Wed
*Kevin grabs one of the sandwiches and begins scarfing it down.* Mm... Good stuff... Mm... Sorry 'bout... Mm... Not eating them... Mm... (NT)Kevin16:13:51 12/24/03 Wed
**Chooses one and halves it with Ned, speaking up** So, all's fine and dandy with the crew then, eh? No... mutiny, or desertion, or fights, and the like? (NT)Ben19:47:34 12/25/03 Thu
*A girl stepes out of the brush surrounding the camp. She has long dark brown hair, almost black. It's loose around her neak and seems to have a mind of it's own. She is carring a sword over her sholder.* I saw your campfire, and being alone for so long, I was wondering if I could join. I'll understand if you say no, not knowing me or anyting, but i just thought I'd offer... (NT)Joan09:03:25 12/31/03 Wed
**Ben snaps his fingers and time freezes everything but Joan and himself. He whispers to her** 'Ey, girl-person-you. We're on a ship in the galley. Just a hint. If y'wat, you can come on there and you'll se the rest of us. **Snaps his fingers again and time resumes** (NT)Ben13:54:57 12/31/03 Wed
*She blushes* Sorry, I guess I should have read all of your previouse posts... (NT)The embaressed one20:26:18 12/31/03 Wed
S'okay! (NT)Ben10:20:25 01/01/04 Thu
(OOC: Girl person-you. Hah. Good ol' Brockers, coming up with great phrases. Yeah, Joan, we'd love to have you along. Just stroll on into the galley and such. Be warned, though... Kevin may freak a bit and aim his giant musket at you.) BIC: *Kevin finishes the sandwich.* I should hope there'd be no mutiny or desertion... Can't say anything about fights though... Those are bound to happen, regardless. *He gets up and hands Cass to Amy.* Why do you keep looking at me that way? Have I maybe threatened you before? If I did, I'm truly sorry... (NT)Kevin Baker11:48:22 01/01/04 Thu
((**Notices the Brockers and pointedly ignores it** An' if he does aim the musket at you, shout PRUNE JUICE! Should work. Also, don't we only have one Amy? O.o)) BIC: Well, at least we can try to keep out bad blood twixt ourselves... (NT)Ben17:04:29 01/01/04 Thu
OOC: PRUNE JUICE!! Like that? (lol) BIC: *The galley door sqweeks open as a young teen of about 13 walks in. (Since I alredy did the description, I won't do it agin) (NT)Joan/Girl person-you10:46:23 01/02/04 Fri
*Kevin looks up at the door squeaking open, sees Joan with her sword, and springs into action. He jumps out of his seat, grabs his musket, rolls, and lands on his knees, aiming right at Joan. He says in a calm voice.* Can we be of service to you? OOC: Poisoner! You're trying to poison Brockers! Prune juice indeed. (NT)Kevin Baker11:44:21 01/02/04 Fri
((OOC: Haha...)) BIC: **Rolls his eyes** Of course you can be of service to her, Kevin! [sarcasm]A shot right through the brain is the best thing she could ever ask for.[/sarcasm] (To Ned:) She okay? In your doggily instinctive opinion? (NT)Ben14:18:36 01/02/04 Fri
OOC: PRUNE JUCIE!!!! *Does Yoda imitation* Peace I come in. BIC: *Joan puts her hand on her sword at the sight of Kevin* Aye, you can put that musket up. I won't be forced to kill you if you put it up! That was beutifly done, though! (NT)Joan10:36:23 01/03/04 Sat
*Kevin puts down the musket and grins.* I'll let the death threat go, this time... Sorry about that, by the way... One gets, erm, jumpy when one only has oneself for company for so many years. (NT)Kevin Baker11:08:49 01/03/04 Sat
*stares strangly at Joan, Kevin, and Ben* umm, right...Buster14:16:46 01/03/04 Sat
*Joan smiles and flips her hair back, which was getting in her face (agin)* It's fine... in order to survive you gotta be a bit wary! (NT)Joan15:13:40 01/03/04 Sat
*curls up in Amy's arms* ~Ooh, fresh blood. Tell me, is she willing to help me in world conquest?~ *flips tail and purrs* ~I was jesting. Or was I?~ *nudges Amy* ~Scratch harder behind the ears, dear...thaaat's it...~Cass19:06:06 01/03/04 Sat
**Ben grins as Ned translated Cass's thoughts to him and offers the new girl a sandwich** Y'seem to have good intentions, so I don't see anything wrong with you coming. But if you do, would you mind telling us your name? I'm Ben, my dog, the black Labrador is Ned, Musket-Lad is Kevin, The Royal Feline is Cass, Autumny One is Amy, And Buster is... Buster. Probably the sanest of us all. (NT)Ben22:36:12 01/03/04 Sat
Forgot our paranoid partner Samantha, the golden retreiver, Benja-me-min. *Kevin sits back down at the table and looks at the map some more.* So, skip, when do we set sail? (NT)Kevin Baker23:07:59 01/03/04 Sat
*Joan takes the sandwich and takes a bit* I'm Joan, Ben! (NT)Joan15:06:54 01/04/04 Sun
*Kevin wordlessly slides the map accross to Ben.* (OOC: Blast you, Brockers! Why'd yer gotta translate it, eh? Oh come on, come on! Oh well. I can work with it.) (NT)Kevin00:54:59 01/16/04 Fri
*Joan looks over at Kevin* Where did you get the map? (NT)Joan19:30:07 01/16/04 Fri
*Kevin takes a bite of his sandwich, looks at Joan, and says.* Liberated it from a fat, greedy pig of a merchant. (NT)Kevin16:36:11 01/17/04 Sat
*Joan looks at the map* Poor paper, it had to have a merchant as a owner... (NT)Joan07:52:58 01/18/04 Sun
*Cass shrugs in her catlike way and arranges herself on Amy's lap* ~When's the adventure going to start? This is quite tedious.~ (NT)Cass12:37:41 01/18/04 Sun
*Kevin, as if reading Cass's mind, says to Ben.* So, Cap'n? Are we going to set sail any time soon here? Or are we just going to sit here waiting all day? (NT)Kevin00:23:33 01/19/04 Mon
OOC: Well soooory... if y'didn't want it tranlsated y'should've warned all ye bold takers of the language of Spain. **Hrumph****Thinks for a moment, then shruggs. Well now, if no one else is coming, we can, but we may need more supplies now that the crew is larger. Maybe we should go ashore for a bit to gather up some new supplies. Any donations of money or the sort would be welcome, though I'm sure if not wer can manage somehow. **Looks pointedly at Kevin** ((OOC: If you want to convice Sam here that not *all* your thievery is bad, go ahead.)) (NT)Ben19:15:46 01/20/04 Tue
Aye, more rations might be needed, with me comin' in an' all! *Joan looks down at the floor, a bit ashamed (sp?) for causing them trouble* (NT)shogga15:56:22 01/23/04 Fri
**Grins at Shoggajoan** 'Tis no trouble, and if it was it is not singularly you. At first it was just me, Ned, Buster, Amy, and Cass here. Then Kevin came, and then Samantha, then you, so it's only natural we'd want more supplies. The more the merrier, though, so don't think that way! (NT)Ben19:24:40 01/23/04 Fri
OOC: I'm so used to RPing in Redwall I forget I'm Joan here, sorry for the er, un Rping-ness. ('Specially since IRL Joan isn't my name) BIC: *Joan smiles at Ben* Thanks, mate! (NT)Joan08:12:06 01/24/04 Sat
*Kevin gets up.* Right. Cap'n. Where do you want me to get supplies from? Or do you just want me to wander around? (NT)Kevin14:25:20 02/03/04 Tue
*Joan sulutes* Where to, O leader of this rolling boat? (NT)Joan14:57:43 02/05/04 Thu

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