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Subject: A Newcomer...

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Date Posted: 19:59:30 02/15/04 Sun

*A tall girl walks up, her simple navy dress sweeping along the floor with elegance. Her curly, close-cut red hair makes a contrast to the dark gown, and her sharp hazel eyes rove the room, not missing a single detail. Her eyebrows are set together in a firm, stubborn line, looking almost like they are one, and her cheeks spotted with freckles.*

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*A tall, rather uncouth looking young man strolls up to Estelien, his wooden soled boots thudding slightly with each step. He leans on his large musket, grins, and holds out a slightly grubby hand to her.* 'Lo, mate! Me name's Kevin Baker! An' yours? (NT)Kevin Baker11:33:27 02/21/04 Sat
**Grins from where he stands a ways back** What, no threats with the musket this time, Kevin? (NT)Ben14:14:51 02/21/04 Sat
*Turns his head back to Ben.* Well, Ben-me-jamin... She hasn't shown up and started talking about dogs and ships and talking about dogs that can communicate thoughts and all things random like you did. In fact, she hasn't said a word. It's a bit disarming, that demeanor is. (NT)Kevin Baker23:56:01 02/21/04 Sat
**Squints at him** Is your life-hobby to annoy me 'til I'm insane? And besides, you didn't attack me with the big musket when we met, only on the Tag-Board when you called my good friend the badger "Brockers". (NT)Ben10:30:47 02/22/04 Sun
*Kevin scratches his head.* There you go... On about badgers now... You're mad.... OOC: Bit of a lapse in your in character and out of character, eh Ben? (NT)Kevin16:51:54 02/23/04 Mon
What's wrong with badgers? Badgers are my friends! And besides, Ben can have pet badger names Brockrose is he wants... and an old-fashioned "tag-board" too. :p ((OOC: **Shudders at the thought of the Tayman Teacher-Monster. Favorite Quote: Frackshuns are yer frinnes!)) (NT)Ben13:23:53 02/24/04 Tue
(OOC: You, a pet? *shudders* Let's not mix the two here...) BIC: *The girl's sharp eyes snap to Kevin, examine him for a moment, and then eyes his grubby outstreched hand coldly. She finally accepts and briefly clasps it, before withdrawing her hand and tossing her curls* My name's Estelien. *Looks at Ben* And you are... (NT)Estelien 15:23:21 02/25/04 Wed
**Holds out his hand, in turn, cheerily** Ben, which is NOT short for Benjamin **cough** but rather a variation of Neb, which is short for Nebuchadnezzer. I'm captain of the Flying Dutchman, which is just over yonder ,if you'd like to join us! I also have a dog, a Black Lab named Ned, woe betide you if you call him Neddy, and it's a variation of Den, which is short for Denmark, where I was born. Anything at all that Kevin says about me mor my dog is completely untrue until I find out if you can be trusted with the information, and only THEN is it true. (NT)Ben17:01:51 02/26/04 Thu
*Kevin notices Estelien's cold behavior. He nods.* Ah. Rich girl, above shaking a decent man's hand. Fair enough. I understand. *He gives her a look in the eyes.* Just keep an eye on your posessions, darlin'. (NT)Kevin18:50:49 02/27/04 Fri
*A girl about 13 years old wanders over to Ben, Kevin, and Estelien. She has long dark brown hair that allways gets in her way, and she shakes it out constantly* 'ello, I'm Joan. *She raises her eyebrow slightly* And you are...? (NT)Joan09:52:55 02/28/04 Sat
OOC: What is with that Italian Weddings advertisement at the top of this forum! Geez, I see it every time I come here... you'd think they'd want to change it a bit, or have different ones rotating, or something! **Stabitystab** (NT)Ben18:57:52 02/29/04 Sun
OOC: I am having so much fun wit dis, Brocky... BIC: * Tosses her curls and smooths her dress, eyeing those in front of her* Greetings, Benjamen, Joan. *turns to Kevin* Of course I'm rich. What did you expect me to be, a beggar like you? OOC: Just so everyone knows, Estelien is NOT me. (NT) Estelien 16:00:30 03/10/04 Wed
OOC: Glad o' that! Ahh, very nice, someone with money. I do believe that gives you three simple options. Option 1: If you don't like the company of us "beggars", you can continue on your way and leave us sensible folk to our own deivces. Option 2: If you'd like to stay, you can lend us a hand with a few of our financial problems, as in pay your way along in food and such. Thirdly and lastly, if you'd like to be a jolly great sport and lose the attitude problem, you c'n come along for free. If you pick one of the last two, you can stop callin' me Benjamin, as is ISN'T my name. Doesn't apply to the first, as we won't be seeing you again, will we? (NT)Ben13:08:14 03/11/04 Thu
OOC: Is it just me, or does BJ not leave as much room for baddies as JKR does? BIC: *Raises her eyebrows and examines Ben closely* Fine, Ben. I'll take Option two. But first you've got to find my money. *raises eyebrows challengenly* (NT)Estelien16:51:38 03/11/04 Thu
*Kevin smiles winningly at Estelien.* What's the matter? Rub one of us filthy "beggars" the wrong way? Get your money lifted? That's a rotten shame. Very rotten. (NT)Kevin20:15:57 03/11/04 Thu
*Joan smiles a challenging smile, with her attitude ladden in it* Really? Could you perhapes help the "beggers" get your money? Or would you rather sit there and wach while we work for the money? OOC: I'm glad she isn't you, too! Joan isn't excactly like me, but she is a bit. (NT)Shogga14:58:27 03/12/04 Fri
OOC: *Wack wack wackwackwack!* Being Redwall obsessed and wirtting "Shogga" all over my stuff doesn't help my CotFD RPing!Joan08:04:06 03/13/04 Sat
OOC: Well, my Redwall character is totally me, but I wanted to have some fun here! BIC: *Looks down at Joan and Kevin* Well, I suppose since you haven't even moved I'll have to actually hand it to you myself. Can you believe that? I never thought I'd meet a beggar who wasn't ready to steal. *reaches into her pocket and pulls out a small canteen, which she unzips to reveal coins nestled among wads of fine cloth* Now, now much do you need? (NT)Estelien16:16:12 03/15/04 Mon
OOC: Ahem... It's going to be hard for Estelien to look down at Kevin... He's about 6' 2'' tall... Young man, not boy. Unless Estelien is like, 6'3'' or something... Just had to clarify that. BIC: *Kevin grins.* What makes you think I haven't stolen anything off you yet? However... It appears you've got quite the nice sum of coins there, so... *He calmly levels his rifle at her face.* We'll be needing all of it, if you catch my drift. (NT)Kevin Baker09:37:44 03/16/04 Tue
Aye, and how do ye know I, or he, is a begger? Have we begged yet? And do all begger's steal? (NT)Joan16:08:08 03/18/04 Thu
OOC: Sorry, Kevin. Is this better? *Stares impassively at the rifle* Well, let's see. Why don't we say I just know? *turns to Joan* Well, what do you look like, someone with gold? *tosses half the coins to Joan, and pockets the rest* You wouldn't be unless you begged for it. (NT)Estelien15:35:54 03/29/04 Mon
*Joan chaches the coins, and says threw gritted teeth* Well then why did you call us that? (NT)Shogga10:19:12 04/10/04 Sat
*Smirks* Call you what? (NT)Estelien16:37:32 04/16/04 Fri
*Joan tosses her hair back adn glares at Estelien.* Are you deaf or somethin'? 'Cuz I think I clearly said "beggers"! (NT)Joan20:47:06 04/17/04 Sat
Deaf? Sure you know the meaning of the word? And I called you beggars because you like a beggar, obviously. (NT)Estelien15:24:33 04/21/04 Wed
*Joan fercely tosses her hair over her sholders* Like him? Of course, he's a friend. That muct be what you mean! Am I right, or am I right? (NT)Joan14:50:56 04/23/04 Fri
*Joan fercely tosses her hair over her sholders* Like him? Of course, he's a friedn (NT)Joan15:01:58 04/23/04 Fri
OOC: I swear I can make up at least 10 diffrent ways of messing up. That post was just weird! Pay attention to the first post, and not the second one. (NT)Me20:01:33 04/24/04 Sat
((OOC: Yes, I have made my short and bad return post! But I've forgotten how to play Amy....)) *Amy walked into the room, holding a plate of sandwhiches. Her short, auburn hair bounced about her shoulders, her lips pursed.* Would Monsieur Kevin or Monsieur Ben like some sandwhiches? Or how about the Mad'moiselle? *She turned to face Kevin, and saw Estelien.* Oh! Bonjour, Mad'moiselle! I don't think we've met before? I'm Amy Autumn. And you? ((OOC: Let's just say Amy's been in France a for a while....)) (NT)Amy08:42:25 08/01/04 Sun
((OOC: Oh dear.... That's not readable, is it? *Frowns.* It was supposed to be Indian Red....)) (NT)Amy08:44:50 08/01/04 Sun

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