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Date Posted: 19:24:25 11/01/03 Sat
Author: Nakatani
Subject: ☼☼approach☼☼

A tall, black haired, blue eyed woman walked casually into the area, reins of a pure black steed dangled loosely inher hands. Crimson cheeks were flushed from the colder air. She used her free hand to stroke the sword that hung at her waist. Her comfort. She looked back at the fully saddled horse. A well used english saddle sat atop a ragged pad. The name "Sword Dancer" was sewn into the cloth with amber letters. She looked around the are, trying to find someone to talk to.













Kind and stubborn. She fears no one, and she makes sure others know that. Loves to run and play sports. Kind and funny. Can be mean when she wants to be. Brave, always ready to have a great time.


Long, thin black hair. Usually wears it up. Mocha colored skin. Sapphire eyes hat always sparkles. Striaght, white teeth. Carries a sword with her in a plain, leather sheath. Crystal hilt encrusted with sapphires and rubies. The balde is silver with hints of blue in it. Strong-boned.

}{Times of Yore}{

Brought up fighting. Very skilled in the arts of military. Manly sword fighting and some trick riding. Skilled in han-to-hand combat. Deadly with a sword, dagger, and scyths((sp?)).

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