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Date Posted: 12:47:10 08/03/03 Sun
Author: Jiro
Subject: -(Cursed)-

[Navy clad male leans against a tree, hands are stuffed into pockets as lids are closed]


19 years


-He stands-

186 lbs.

Skinny yet muscular, short black hair, cold grey orbs

He has two personalities, one of them he only shows to people he cares for, which is kindness and friendliness, the other, is cold and harsh, few earn his trust or loyalty, rarely anyone ears his respect or love, atleast humans

His father was originally human, with just a tiny trace of vampire blood within him, but he was bitten by a werewolf. He would run off into the forest every full moon, but he met Jiro's mother, she was a Hanyou(sp?), part human, part wolf, she calmed him until he was no more harmful then a wolf pup. They fell in love and had Jiro, but for some reason the werewolf blood was passed onto him, and he was able to switch between three forms, a human, a wolf, and Hanyou. He has been traveling around, looking for a place to call home, he had been unsucessful. But he had heard of this place, where there were many like him.

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