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Date Posted: 09:19:30 08/11/03 Mon
Author: Certian
Subject: ::Lost in Time::
In reply to: Piccy 's message, "one more time" on 10:58:21 08/04/03 Mon

From the shadows of the trees surronding the joining area, a set of glittering emerald orbs watch the male, silently taking in his apperence and attitude without so much as blinking. For a few more minutes, the unknown beast continues to watch the male, werry regard for him rolling off the decidedly feminine shadow. After a few more prolonged seconds, the figure rises to it's full height and steps forward into the light, revealing herself to the male. Silken coat a mixture of gray, and blueish black, emerald orbs dimming now that she was no longer in shadow, blending completely with teh trees. Large dial held low, she approaches teh male, whipcord lashing out behind her and around her ankles as hse moved. She halts a few feet infront of hte man, eyes travelling slowly up his frame to settle and lock on his eyes. A low growl is issued, though there was nothing aggressive in it. The combination of Growl and eye contact assured him she ment no harm.. She glances over her shuolder, gaze directed at hte forest she had just left. Seconds later, a young cub comes tumbling out, rolling head over heals as a root catches a front paw. A soft yelp of pain, and the cub was once more moving forward, jogging to her mother's side. Halitng, the little one looked up at at the human male and let loose a loud round of purring.

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