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Date Posted: 06:50:18 11/28/10 Sun
Author: christopheranton (Sated.)
Subject: Three men in my hole.

There is a man in my hole, there are three men altogether, but there is usually only one in my hole at one time. The other two are stationed, one in the hole of my next door neighbour,(an indian takeaway), and the other one is in the hole of the carpet shop owner at the end of the terrace. Sometimes the man in my hole will shout to one or both of the men in the neighbours' holes. "Are you pulling it" or "can you see it yet"?

The man has been in my hole for approximately one week already. Although he has not been there right round the clock. He leaves my hole in the evenings, and he has not been near my hole at the weekend. The intrusions into my neighbours' holes cease at evenings and weekends also.

Having, sometimes, up to three men in my hole has been difficult to endure. It is not very easy to concentrate on your work when a workman is probing your hole at the same time. My pussy doesnt really like to see them there either. I have had to watch my pussy very carefully because the men are in my hole. The danger is that my pussy might end up in the hole, with or without one of the men. I dont want my pussy to get dirty or wet. Nor do I want any of the men leaving my hole and fondling my pussy with their grubby hands. My pussy is splayed out on the bed as I write this. Bed is the best place for my pussy to be while those dirty men are in my hole.

The reason why my hole is occupied by three men, and my pussy is spread out on the bed, is quite simple really.
The staff of the indian restaurant next door are assholes. They have dirty habits. They pour fat down the drains. This blocks up the system, and the contents of the drains back up and flood into the basement of the carpet shop at the end of the terrace. The manhole that provides access to the sewers is situated in the centre of my garden, and that is the reason why I have three men in my hole, to the great inconvenience of me and my furry pussy.

Such are the perils of city life, when your neighbours are ignorant or thick, or both. The annoying thing about it really is that the offender,(the indian takeaway) is not paying for the men in my hole. The victim,(the carpet shop owner), gets that pleasure. In addition to all the fat in my hole, the men now tell me that my hole is blocked up by babies' nappies. I can conclude, from this information, that there has been a recent addition to the family next door. I just wish that they would dispose of their disposables responsibley. I am fed up with my hole getting jammed up with dirty nappies. My hole was made for better things.

I hope that the men will be leaving my hole soon, and that it will be a long time before my hole requires a similar probing and scouring. I would like to take my pussy out for an airing in the garden, but until the men in my hole are gone that will not be possible.

I do wish my neighbours could be more responsible.

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