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Thursday, March 13, 08:37:01pmLogin ] [ Main index ] [ Post a new message ] [ Search | Check update time | Archives: 1234 ]

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Date Posted: 08:08:41 12/14/10 Tue
Author: christopheranton (Sated.)
Subject: Great Tits and a lovely silky pussy.

The woman next door has a pair of great tits; not blue tits, or tom tits, but great tits. She doesnt have great boobies. Boobies live on the island of Guam, along with a load of U.S servicemen, but there are no boobies to be seen in my part of London, just a pair of great tits, which live with the man who lives next door. I say live with him, because the great tits in question are his wifes great tits. She feeds them, and she put up a titbox to contain the great tits, so essentially the tits are hers. How lucky is that man? His wife has great tits.

She also has a lovely silky pussy. If I stand at my bedroom window, I can sometimes see her great tits and her lovely silky pussy in her garden. Once I managed to reach over the fence, and stroke her pussy, but I have not yet managed to get my hands on her great tits.
It's seldom that I get to see her tits and her pussy at the same time. When she is letting her silky pussy have an airing in the garden her tits are seldom to be seen. I expect they are wary of the pussy. I do wish I could stroke her silky pussy, and see her great tits at the same time. Her husband can, I expect. He can stroke pussy in the bedroom and look out the window, and see great tits in his garden.

Both the husband and wife are on holidays now. They are gone to The Seychelles, for three weeks. They should be back just before Christmas. This I really like because the husband has given me the keys of the house. I am to look after his wifes silky pussy, and her great tits while they are away. He even asked me if I would mind playing with his wife's pussy. He told me that he had seen me stroking her pussy over the fence, and that he would like me to stroke it while they were on holidays. His wife, and her pussy would like me to do it as well.

I was also given instructions in the care of her great tits. Since it is winter, it is very important to remember to feed the birds. The best thing to do is to make a bird cake. This is very easy to do. You can buy mixed bird seed in the pet shop or the supermarket. If you have a market near you, go there. The seed is a lot cheaper than you will buy in the shops. Get some peanuts and some sunflower seeds if you can. Mix it up with some melted lard. Add some porridge meal as well. Use a bowl or container that you wont be using for anything else. When it is all mixed up properly, put it in your freezer for about an hour for it to set, and then leave it out for the birds.
Leave them something to drink as well. Birds need water in the winter. Dont let the water get frozen. Pour some boiling water over it occasionally to keep it melted.
If you are using a birdtable, keep it clean. Dont let rotten food lie on it, and remember to thoroughly clean your bird cake container each time you have to reuse it. Birds can pick up nasty infections from dirty food containers, or birdtables.

Anyway, to return to our story, that will be my pleasure for the next two weeks. I look forward to engaging in social intercourse with my nieghbour's wife's eminently strokable silky pussy, and her perky great tits.
I almost feel sorry for those U.S servicemen on Guam. They probably dont get to see great tits like I do, or the man next door. Still, there is always the boobies.

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