Date Posted:Sat, Dec 20 2008, 11:31:38 PST Author:Ramon Ocasio Author Host/IP: / Subject: Alternate Chen Pan Ling Forms
I'd like to know if there is anyone who could tell me if there are alternative Chen Pan Ling short forms existing. I went to a site,, which sells an introductory tai chi dvd which has a version of Chen Pan Ling's short form I have never seen before.
When I inquired about it the reply I received was as follows:
"Forms vary from family to family. Our way is our way and I really can't speak as to differences from others. Many variables can exist from person to person in terms of experience (i.e. fighting vs. not fighting) and this often influences the style of performance by an individual as well as many other factors."
I am interested in any information about this and any other alternative Chen Pan Ling short forms existing. I am interested in their lineages and why they differ so much from the Chen Pan Ling form I commonly see just about everywhere else.