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Date Posted: Sat, Jan 24 2004, 11:53:06 PST
Author: Carlos Aguilar
Author Host/IP: cache-dm02.proxy.aol.com /
Subject: Re: Chen Pan Ling and Wang Shu Chin
In reply to: Brian Bruning 's message, "Re: Chen Pan Ling and Wang Shu Chin" on Mon, Jan 19 2004, 14:00:00 PST

I will be posting in 2 parts.
Part 1:
To the best of my knowledge of what Master Chang told me was that when Master Chen Pan Ling met Master Wang Shu Chin they became very good friends. Master Wang was already an excellent Internal stylist but when he saw the way Master Chen performed his Tai Chi form Master Wang asked if he would teach it to him. Later Master Chen was invited by the Japanese to teach his Tai Chi in Japan. Master Chen could not accept because of other commitments, instead he asked Master Wang if he would go to Japan to teach. Master Wang accepted and went to Japan. Being the good friends that they were in honor of Master Chen, Master Wang taught Chen Pan Ling style of Tai Chi there. Master Chang told me that Japan probably has more Chen Pan Ling Tai Chi practitioners because of Master Wang's teachings.
Master Chang and I also discussed as far as the way Master Wang performed Chen Pan Ling's Tai Chi, there are slight differences. This is in no way meant to poke fun at the way people are built or move, but if we are to research why things are performed the way they are we must look at the facts, we must look at it from every angle which includes the sizes of the bodies involved, handicaps like hip problems which would cause a limp, bad shoulders which change the way the arms are moved, bad back which would change the waist movements. Master Wang's body was bigger than Master Chen's body so some of the hand movements were pobably done differently as to go around his body. One example is in double palm push Master Wang's elbows would be higher because of his waist. Another example In Grasp Bird,s Tail, Master Wang might of not went down or twist as much as Master Chen, a big person has more difficulty tying his shoes than a small person. If having to go down and twisting as much as Master Chen, it would put Master Wang in an uncomfortable straining position losing all of what Tai Chi is suppose to be. I have seen pictures of Master Wang performing some very low stances but those stances are not the ones that would change the hand or twisting of the body in performing Tai Chi. In training or teaching martial arts you have to accept that not everyone is built or moves the same. Some might of had accidents that might of altered the way their bodies move, fused wrist which would change the way some perform single whip, fused ankles which would change the foot work pivoting or twisting. We as teachers have to find the best way to alter the move or moves for that person with out changing the form too much, so that the person with any degree of handicap can continue their studies in what ever they choose. Doing this might change the look or flavoring of the form. All of this and with the experience that Master Wang had in the Internal Arts might of changed the way he performed the form, making it Master Wang's flavor of Chen Pan Ling's Tai Chi form.

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