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Date Posted: 05/14/03 8:32am
Author: Cookie
Subject: Just found this item...
In reply to: pat 's message, "I just read about it in this morning's paper" on 05/14/03 5:11am

During my usual morning news search on Google, I found this following bit in an article from the Cleveland Plain Dealer:

Set in Cleveland, "The Drew Carey Show" did not make ABC's fall lineup. Nor did Carey's "Whose Line Is It, Anyway?" But the network says both shows will be back as midseason replacements during the 2003-04 season.

The landmark 200th episode of "The Drew Carey Show" will air June 25, starting a summer relaunch of the Old Brooklyn native's situation comedy. A top-25 series for four consecutive seasons (1996-2000), Carey's show has been languishing in the ratings since last year's move from 9 p.m. Wednesdays to 9 p.m. Fridays.

In its eighth season, Carey's show ranks 132nd among all prime-time programs. "Whose Line" is in 131st place. Only seven shows on the four major networks have a lower average rating for the season than "Drew Carey."

This is the article it came from. Looking for laughs and ratings at ABC The part I posted is about midway down.

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