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Date Posted: 05/14/03 6:12pm
Author: Bix
Subject: Lake Tahoe, anyone?

So, does anyone out there got anything from this past weekend up yet? I'm not much for reports--this was my first time seeing the entire group live and I didn't feel inclined to take notes--but I've got photos! www.bixiecup.com/tahoephotos.html

Here's a little bit of a report from my Rants page, though:

I took a single photo from the show on Saturday night, when the group was lined up for "Conducted Story," but I didn't feel inclined to take any other photos or to have an usher come up and say, "Don't do that." Out of courtesy, I didn't use a flash, though. Someone from Friday night's show DID, and Kathy Kinney was speaking at the time. She stopped and went, "Oh, I'm blind! I'm blind!" when it happened. I don't blame her for overdramatizing the situation rather than bitching, "NO FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY!" at the person; although that would've been ruder, it also might have gotten the point across better.

Saturday's show went really well, even with the absence of Colin Mochrie (who could only perform Friday night, as he had to be back in Canada on Saturday). The thing that stands out in my mind from Friday night was Greg telling the audience that he was masturbating too much to the porn avaliable in the hotel, and from Saturday I remember Chip flipping off an audience member as he received his position for "Freezes" ("Bend over, Rover"); red-faced from embarrassment, he gave the guy a grinning "F--k you!" Good stuff! LOL

Julie Larson turned out to be the one that I met and talked to the most. Great lady. She and her father were having coffee at Caesar's Tahoe when I first got there, and we talked for a while. Her father was wearing a "Drew Carey Show" t-shirt, by the way (Julie is a writer on the show). I gave her a CD that I'd compiled of photos and articles from their USO tours last year. The next day I got ambitious and burned several other copies for the other participants in the USO events. I was able to give one to Kathy Kinny; Julie was sitting with one of Kathy's friends a few minutes later, and rather than hunt down the rest of the cast, I gave her the other CDs for Chip Esten, Jeff Davis, Drew Carey, Sean Masterson and Greg Proops.

Photo-wise, I got pictures taken with Jeff and Chip together (I had no earthly idea that the guys were that TALL!), and then with Colin Mochrie. Brad was there with Shawna but I didn't take their photo. After the Saturday night show, Greg met with his cousins and I took a picture of his family for him, then cropped it to an 8x10, burned the photo to CD and dropped it off at the front desk of the hotel when I left for the airport. It's that whole I'm-a-photograher-and-want-to-help-the-world mentality that the Navy put in me, and even though I turned my brain off for most of the weekend, that urge to do people favors still stays with me. Anyway, I went back to my computer and cropped his family members out of the shot for privacy reasons.

Drew Carey couldn't make it, and the same with Ryan Stiles--which was kind of a disappointment, as I have never seen those two perform live. Also because Ryan had talked on Mr. Cigar Radio about going there to meet up with his family and do the show. But the rest of the guys (and gals) did quite well on their own. They came up with several catch phrases for the weekend, but by far the most popular was "the swirling vortex of gay celebrity." Greg did his stand-up for both shows, poking fun at Paul McCartney's new one-legged wife, the "tantric Matrix-like" sex that she must've been laying on him, and her stand against land mines ("which is ironic, since she is 50% less likely to be injured by a land mine...") and so on, following the comments with, "relax, she's not here, we can talk about her" or something to that effect. He was kind of high-strung during Friday night's show (which had a quiet, reserved audience) but loosened up for Saturday's almost-sold-out performance.

Out of everyone, Greg probably had the most fun and absolutely dissolved into fits of the giggles from time to time during the shows.

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