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Date Posted: 05/30/03 4:31am
Author: DL Fan
Subject: Very interesting ! Thanks.
In reply to: Lynda Thams 's message, "found an article in the Spokane paper for 'A Night Of Improv':Must Read" on 05/29/03 10:50pm

> Carey, who emcees "Whose Line," is not
>listed on the live bill. But that doesn't mean he
>won't show up.
>"Drew never tells me if he's coming or not." says
>Stiles, by phone from his home in Bellingham. "Last
>year, he drove all the way to Bellingham and got there
>a half-hour before the show started."

I've read reports in the past about how Drew will sometimes show up unexpectedly & the audience goes wild when he walks out.

Everybody in the group can't wait to get on stage,"
>said Stiles. "It's a drug. It's really addicting. We
>sometimes do two shows a night, and we're still pumped
>up and still want to go on."

I've often wondered how improvisors keep their enthusiasm to come up with funny things & to not experience some 'burnout'.

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  • Mousetrip game -- pat, 05/30/03 11:28am
  • Re: Mousetrip game.... pat, did you intentionally misspell the name? It's a very appropriate spelling even if you didn't mean to. (NT) -- LKK *loves the "mousetrip" game*, 05/30/03 1:11pm
  • Re: Mousetrip game -- Anita, 05/30/03 3:23pm
  • Re: Mousetrip game -- M, 05/30/03 5:33pm

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