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Date Posted: 03:44:08 03/26/01 Mon
Author: Heartstarter
Subject: Two

The Understanding

Let there be no misconceptions
I do not want to know your name
I have no desire to hear
Your hopes,your fears,your dreams
Or learn that you are a brillant conversationalist
Being as it is
That your thoughts are as insubstantial to me
As those of a gnat
I promise your satisfaction
With the product that I offer
But remember there are no returns of sale
I want to bring you to my rooms
A nice studio on South Avenue
And ply you with rich and exotic potions
Until you grow languid
Begin to think me someone else
There is where I'll lay you down
Salted butter on damask
Surrendered before me like some delectable buffet
You should know that I plan to have my fill
And you shall love the feast
Slow sweet appetizers
A lengthy main course
Topped off with a marvelous dessert
Swimming in cream
I will not see you home
Not caring where you live
But you shall be escorted where you need to be
By the finest cab available
It is not likely we will meet again
But if we should
Try not to remember
Who you thought I used to be
You were always someone else
Let there be no misconceptions


You fooled me with the way you acted
Angel with your soul extracted
Lost in lust ,my sense distracted
You played your hand so well
All my cards laid on the table
So like the fool in that old fable
I never saw the caution lable
And followed you to hell
A trip with you seemed so delicious
I did'nt think to be suspicious
The promise sweet,the truth malicious
Enchanted by your spell
Wounded by your ravishment
Hobbled by bedevilment
My heart in cold imprisonment
Bewitching Jezebel
I plan escape from this stockade
Your welcome has been overstayed
And you will see my strength displayed
Accursed sentinel

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