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Date Posted: 02:46:14 03/27/01 Tue
Author: Doug S
Subject: Metamorphous of Me

Metamorphous of Me

Ever an effort that called for a strength to bear, to pull yourself free of self or me, I've been there.
A reality of things that are worse than I am suffering, is seen through those images I turn a blind eye to.
Too often we see only our narrow view of life, the trouble with the job, money, the kids, the parents, the girlfriend and the wife.
Always looking to blame, condemn all around us, stirring up frustrations, problems and with endless fuss.
I must admit under no uncertain terms, I have found myself even afraid of germs.
I compulsively clean from here to there, and never seem satisfied that I got them everywhere.
The same is true of the problems I perceive are unfair, accusing, refusing, any part on my part there.
So how do I accept that others aren't to blame, perhaps by giving a boot to playing this self game.
I know it's harder to do, than it is to say, but I'm going to try anyway, by first reminding me everyday.
It's never productive, it's never fair, it's never right, it's never there, to be all self my friends isn't fair.
It hurts too many people in your path, and none of them understand your wrath.
They never see or feel they contributed to what you said, and find themselves questioning what's in your head.
Before you know it, you've blown the whole thing, they want nothing to do with you, about anything.
So, all you'll be left with is loneliness and sorrow, and the same old isolation in subsquent tomorrows.
So if you read this, ponder this thought, and give up self before in it's web you are caught.
Think of the problems the other guy may have, before you lash out feeling sorry for yourself.
Sometimes some of your problems will take care of themselves, so relax.

Doug S. 2000©

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