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Date Posted: 14:10:15 02/08/02 Fri
Author: StarGoat
Subject: Winter King

Winter King

The winter breath blows away all the cards as one,
A tempest puzzling solitaire or a sly niggling pun,
"Have lost all my -," but I stir my stew of potatoes,
With the snowfall to thin, while I still feel my toes.

A doe watches my movements like some magic
Sorrow here to cool to ice and leaving eclectic
Visions to hover about the whitened meadowland.
My fire is dying without pleasure of a feeding hand.

Frozen flakes light on my tongue with a gladness
That I have forgotten my past identity of sadness
For the few moments spent within winter's parade.
Images of a warm death huddled in this iced glade.

It would not be so terrible to become a winter statue.
Tears frozen at their source, with the images of you
Silent at last to stop the pain and truculent blame.
Cracked lips to smile, showing teeth, without shame.

A winter king with a crown of icicles and snow stars.
No more the drinking sickness or tugging guilt wars.
I will sleep when it is coldest and dream like heroes,
The North Star on my forehead like a new white rose.

© 2002 DPMcClellan

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