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Date Posted: 08:41:49 03/28/01 Wed
Author: S.P. Wells
Subject: From The Lambs...

From The Lambs...

Because U.S. Goverment says
we fear 'mad cow' disease,
Have to have them all,
not just the mutable variant four.
We're coming to Vermont,
to take your Belgium Sheep quite verily.

No ifs, buts or naysays
Your facts and feelings hold no sway.
Not even a scheduled April appeal,
'cause we're acting like "big brother"
before the final Court papers are sealed.
They don't even think
it's horrific 'foot and mouth'.
Leaves me wondering if first trial jury,
had any of the farmer's peers.

After exhaustive nine month fight,
I see the Faillace family in tears
as their entire flock disappears.
While Larry F. articulates this disease
doesn't exist in any of World's sheep
Made me think of 1930's Germany.
right before my eyes, as they were led
with food treats, into lifestock vans.

To be shipped for slaughter fears,
their tissues being tested for next two years.
There may never be any real proof,
especially if Goverment wrongly swooped
on two different farms and their lamb pool,
both now disspated of all, vivacious wool.

That we could have been wearing
as next year's fashion coats & sweaters,
while they would have been alive,
to softly bhaa and bleat...
from the lambs and ewes .. to the top rams.

But they know best,
those zealous USDA.

SuSanne m.b. powell
[all rights reserved]

I mention 'h. & m.' in my poem even though it is
about 'mad cow'. It is breaking part of my heart
to see what's happening in a country I love as much as I
love America. And then besides England, there is Scotland,
Wales and Ireland and now into Europe with the insidious
'hoof and mouth'. 'Mad cow' is insidious enough and yet
as horrible it is, it's nothing like 'hoof and mouth'.
Now they think they traced the
"ground zero" of the plague to a
Chinese Resturant in Northern England who
had illegally imported meat and somehow the scraps
were fed to pigs on a near by farm. Sigh.
The devasation is horrific.

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