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Date Posted: 20:41:27 03/26/01 Mon
Author: Singing Sparrow
Subject: Anasazi Sunset

Anasazi Sunset
By: Noah Eaton

Titans of Trinity gently nod yonder the guava skies
Sandstone lips break gently, the calling of Eternity just commencing
That doth forgive the unforgiving
Ancient passion bleeds, it’s essence quoth this vast golden blanket

Cradled in the veneer lap of Her serenity
The sagebrush children sway in the sitar winds
Sipping the flaming blood of their fathers, bereaving the Higher Peace
The legacy of earthly love cloaked upon the sooners

Another sleeping arroyo is another sleeping youth
Hibernating amidst a sea of lies, breathing against a verisimilitude of a truth
Every desert has it’s rain, every doctrine has a faith
Arroyo shalt flow again, wash away at the silt of a broken sun

Anasazi’s sacred honey seethes from fraternal lungs
One burdened of a friend, the other governed as a foe
Their spirits can still be heard, in the last light of day
Beckoned from the woolen lips of the ghost coyote…
And time is but a ghost within such that ghost…

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