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Date Posted: 12:32:17 04/01/01 Sun
Author: Beki
Subject: Holding Fast

If I had known so long ago
How captive you would hold my heart,
I might have turned away your touch
And been more cautious from the start.

But now I've loved you for so long
My heart beats cadence to your name,
And every poem I write for you
Bears honest witness to the same.

I've loved you as the thirsty grass
loves rain that breaks the summer heat;
I've loved you as the waves love sand,
As children love to splash their feet.

I've loved you with the innocence
Of puppies as they romp and play.
I've loved you blindly, loved you when
You doubted me and turned away.

I've loved you with the strength of trees
That bend and give throughout each storm;
Yet holding fast onto the earth,
Survive, and grow as days grow warm.

I've loved you as the faintest breeze
Loves white sails in the setting sun;
As children love their mother's touch
To coax their sleep when day is done.

I've loved you with a passion born
Of tenderness and raw desire.
With frenzy raging in my blood,
I've loved you as the wood loves fire.

I've loved you truly as I could
Through all the years we've been apart.
As diamonds deep within the earth,
I've held you closest to my heart.

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