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Date Posted: 17:14:50 04/20/01 Fri
Author: David Henry
Subject: Anzac 2001.

Anzac 2001.

Will I march on Anzac Day to swell the thinning ranks
With medals earned in two world wars pinned to heaving chest
And stand before the cenotaph to hear them all give thanks
To those who fought for liberty and those now laid to rest?

I never fought in those great wars, I never felt the fear
Of shells exploding overhead or heard the speaker’s jeer
I never felt my brain go numb with fighters on my tail,
Or heard the shrill insistence of a siren’s wail.

My father heard the sniper’s fire at nineteen years of age,
Ran the gauntlet of his shots between the desert sage.
Sick with castor oil and fear, he flew those flimsy craft,
Went again to Word War Two - his friends all called him daft.

The old ones now have all but gone, the young ones’ hair is grey,
The widows and their children stand and cheer along the way,
The soldiers with their arms reversed stand quietly and still,
The bugle cries for those who died on some lonely hill.

The only battles that I fought were here against the drought,
When sick at heart I’d go and look at wheat crops giving out.
But like the rest of men my age, of thanks I have no doubt,
I’ll get dressed and go to town to hear the Marshal shout.

David Henry. 20/4/01.

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