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Date Posted: 09:30:07 05/06/01 Sun
Author: jan oskar hansen
Subject: private lfe, one shouldn't write about

Private Life (One shouldn't write about)

She doesn't find in me what she
had hoped for, I spend too much
time reading and being absent.
She likes to drink tea at a nice
hotel, dinner dance and polite
conversations, she even bought
me a suit for that purpose.

Holding a fragile teacup by its
handle and nibbling a biscuit ,
I do my best to look middle-aged
and well conditioned; to belong
to the mythical class of people
she sees in glossy magazines,
those who sit in big living rooms
posing for the camera.

I fail miserably, grabbing the cup
like a pint of beer, asking questions
that causes embarrassed silence
in the foyers of nice hotels.
When alone she tells me the I'm no
longer in the merchant navy, sitting
in a dockside bar with drunken
sailors and giggling tarts.

I'm alone today; she's gone to church,
and later she meeting her friends for
tea and cream buns at a place where
everyone knows how to behave.

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