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Date Posted: 14:28:33 09/29/03 Mon
Author: Johanne F
Author Host/IP: MTL-HSE-ppp207262.qc.sympatico.ca /
Subject: I finally got the LDN


Right now I'm SOOOOOOO trill!!!! I finally got the prescription for
LDN. I've been trying for over a year now . I went through 3
neuros, 5 doctors and one vetenerian. I even tried to pass as an
alcoholic but it didn't work because I'm not a good liar.

Anyway thank you so very much for all your help Judy from Ontario
and all the others who gave me their help.

Now, here's is what I plan to do

My neuro is in MS research here in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. So
everyone pray that I'm one of the 2/3 who has more good results then
only stopping MS progression. You see, I think if my neuro sees how
much it helped me he,ll be curious and interested enough to do his
own study and probably contact Dr. Bihari, and the other neuro who
takes LDN and has MS.

My neuro has been taking MRI of me about every 2 years. He took one
last time I seen him. So I have a baseline to begin the LDN.

I'm trying to get the ok from Health Quebec so that any doctor in
Quebec who wants to prescribe it can without fear of losing his

Then if it really works well for me I'l contact the MS society here
in Quebec (I know a few people personnaly) and give them the ino etc.

who knows maybe I could get on a talk show here to talk about Ldn,
but tqht's way far down the road.

anyway I'll keep you posted on my progress.

I think I'll start with 3mg and see how it goes. I'll talk it over
with my pharmacist. My prescription is for 30 reVia pills to be
broke up into 1,5 to 4,5 mg.

bye and take care everyone

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