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Date Posted: 14:58:12 10/28/03 Tue
Author: Reg Kreil
Author Host/IP: rddrpx21-port-80.dial.telus.net /
Subject: Re: changing doseage

Hi all.. I could not get L.D.N. in a suspension as I was told that there are possible problems with it deteriorating or settling out and you may not get an accurate or consistant dose.Ant thoughts on that? However my 1.5 mg. pills were enuf to tempt me to cut my dose by one half and I did that Sunday night,after only ten days. What a mistake on my part!
All the progress I had made,in the last ten days, slowly over the course of the day,was negated. On the flip side today, after going back to my usuall 3mgs.last night,mostly all is better.
What was interesting to note is that what happened proved beyond a shadow of a doubt[in my mind and my wifes] that I will now be on this for the long term.
Now for those of you that ask why do you change your dose in mid stream? I reply because I am a man.We are known to be inquisitive.Maybe me moreso than some others. And no harm done, now I am going to be able to tell my Dr.that yes it works for me. Oh yes and Brenda thanks for an informative and sometimes funny place to come to. Now that it's winter and snowing I have little else to do than come here read the postings and learn.

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