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Date Posted: 23:24:24 10/30/03 Thu
Author: Roelof -- \rulof\ -- Osinga
Author Host/IP: 213-132-213-225.adsl.nlhosting.nl /
Subject: Re: I am considering LDN
In reply to: Rainbolt 's message, "I am considering LDN" on 11:04:05 10/23/03 Thu

Hi Rainbow,

Is about the same as we've got here. With here being The Netherlands. Though I, personally, am not yet on LDN, due to the fact that the pharmacist is, hopefully, still busy compounding it, I do have the prescription!

I didn't bother the neurologist with it -- made possible by my not being in active treatment at all -- but went through the general practicioner instead. Just asked for a prescription of a months supply, for starters, of LDN 4.5 mg with a calcium carbonate filler and got it. No fuss, no muss.

Paula who's also active on this forum also got her prescribition via the same route. However, Paula's pharmacist refused to come through for legal reasons. Since it was not a standard protocol he could held liable. Another one, Cees, also went to his GP and is currently on LDN already!

So maybe this route will work for you too. They're already familiar with naltrexone due to its use in addiction control so that's one hurdle less to take. The dosage being as low as it is helps too.

Just my two cents .


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