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Date Posted: 11:32:19 12/31/03 Wed
Author: Reg
Author Host/IP: rddrpx31-port-50.dial.telus.net /
Subject: Re: Just for your brother to be speaking is a miracle. No other clinically approved MS meds can do that as none help the symptoms of MS
In reply to: Lorna 's message, "Re: Just for your brother to be speaking is a miracle. No other clinically approved MS meds can do that as none help the symptoms of MS" on 08:20:53 12/22/03 Mon

Another update on my brother.... We had a long talk with his Doctor and really didn't learn anything we didn't already know. However they will now put Rick on physio for his legs and arms and speech therapy, also they will start introducing solid foods again as he can now swallow good again.
Now I have to say it here even though I said this elsewhere When I asked the Doctor why there are no trials being done on this drug so that the mystery of it can be enlightened he told us that since the patent ran out on it years ago, any money spent on research will be lost to the researching company as any other drug co. can steal the work and sell the drug at a reduced cost. Therefore The world revolves around the almighty dollar and most drug companys don't have our best interests at heart.I suppose if I had money invested in reasearch I would want a good return for my dollar but when lives are on the line here....
So Lorna my mother in laws family is from Argyleshire and Rashfield,back in the mid 1850's they left.
Happy New Year to all. Reg.

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