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Date Posted: 09:30:45 02/18/04 Wed
Author: Mira
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: Re: Weakness from LDN?
In reply to: Marcie 's message, "Re: Weakness from LDN?" on 10:37:02 02/17/04 Tue


thanks so much for responding? What exactly do yo mean when you say "don't ever want to be without it"? How did LDN help you?
I've been on it for 11 days now, started on 2mgs. Yesterday I took 3mgs for the first time.
My condition got bad on Mon (Sun before that was doing very good!) On Tue I got even worse - some terrible weakness appeared in my right leg (incl. foot!). My musles there felt sore and achy and when I stepped on it my knees would bend and I couldn't walk at all coz it hurt (as if I am doing stretching). Also, when I squeeze my musle there slightly my whole leg would jump up. I had the feeling my nurve along the leg was inflamed. Right away my doc sent me for IV - s (solumedrole) and yest. I had my first one. Felt a relief right after that! My leg wasn't achy anymore, the nurve wasn't overexcited at all, I could walk! In the evening I started on 3mgs LDN, was scared if it's competible with solumedrole but Brenda and my doc. said it should be! This morning, my musles aren't achy or stiff (stiffness seem to disappear a few days ago so wasn't a problem anymore). My legs seemed to be trembling more than usual, though! Well, at least I can walk again although I have to hang on to Mom's arm coz I've been weak and my ballance's been bad. If I can't improve I hope that I can at least stay at this level and not get worse than that coz I'm scared how I'll be able to go to class. Anyway, I try to keep positive and I believe that things will get better for me and eventually I'll be able to go to school by myself and no longer needing mom to hang on to!


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