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Date Posted: 19:22:27 12/26/03 Fri
Author: CrossOver
Subject: Will Young is my Idol

The gay community around the world are going nuts, voting for the star, Will Young. I am a heterosexual woman but will vote for Will, my ultimate favourite for World Idol. Thank goodness he sang brilliantly. And to the Polish judge who said he sings like Mr Bean, I say- you LOOK like Mr Bean, just a bit uglier.

Will YOung has a lot of support and I hope that he achieves at least a Top3 spot. I think he has an ultra-cool voice and he exudes personality. This personality is confidence (and he aint too over-confident) and he is a gentleman. If anyone told me I sing like Mr Bean, even though I know I'm world class, I'd bash back calling the bum an idiot. But Will took it in stride, replying, "Thank you very much Sir"- can one call the idiot a Sir, did you see how he was up in arms, screaming like and idiot for God-knows-what. No wonder the Polish winner, Alex is such a big mouth. I think they suit each other.

I like Simon Cowell comparing some singers on the catgory of racehorses to donkeys. I appreciate Randall Abrahams, who has immaculate knowledge on music, and what was Pete Waterman on about saying the South African Heinz lacked compassion. And doubly Simon, agrees with him, saying he got "Film star good looks, great voice, but not what the Australian guy has"- I think that was unfair.

So, I've voted twenty times for Will and five times for Peter. I voted once each for Kurt, Heinz and the Arabian gal, Diana. I think her voice is very pure...

Anyways, I hope Will takes it. He was the first Pop Idol, and deservingly should win World. I hope it happens- light my fire baby!

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