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Date Posted: 01:08:33 12/27/03 Sat
Author: T
Subject: just my thoughts.

I only caught the last hour of the show. Seeing the recaps made me regret that our tv guide gave the start time incorrectly, because mostly I was impressed by everyone. I wish that they would replay the show!

I was impressed by all the singers who sang in a non-native language and I thought Diana's voice was beautiful; her song exotic.

I live in the US. I sure wish that they would show some of the other countries' Idol shows here! I was in Canada for three weeks this summer and was amazed at their show -- in the US, they never even mentioned the Canadian show, and yet, the Canadians apparently got to see ours!

Anyway, given that I missed half the show, I liked the US and Norwegian contestants the best. Having seen Ryan Malcolm (Canada) over the summer, I also liked him. I didn't particularly care for the British contestant's singing, but liked his comment about how these competitions keep one from getting a swelled head.

Of the contestants that I only caught a recap of, I thought South Africa's entry was very good. I hope that they make a World Idol CD, because that may be the only way some of them get US airtime.

Best wishes to all.

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