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Date Posted: 23:43:50 08/13/06 Sun
Author: Kitty
Subject: New Isle..?

First, and foremost, to those of you still playing/interested in playing at New Isle Weyr, I offer my sincere apologies. I'd not realized that the Weyr still had loyal members when I finally gave up m'self a few months ago -- so you can imagine my surprise when I was checking my AOL e-mail the other day and found not one, not two, but three back-logged e-mails from Pup telling me that there was still a small population of remaining RPers. Certainly something aught to be done for these folk in my humble opinion -- and though the suggestion of giving up and officially closing the site was legimately made, I'd like to offer a vote. (Lots of love to Pup by the way for being so loyal as to keep in touch!)

I'm starting college soon, but I've still a good week or so before I go. I'm willing to type up a new backstory for the Weyr -- start completely afresh for everyone. Do an Active Check (of doom) and probably send a ton of chars off to the Lost Souls Board. I'm also thinking that we pass a few turns -- get another clutch on the sands and do a heck of a lot of advertising. I've faith we can save it... but I'd need some help. Someone to keep the updates functional in particular, people willing to take leading roles such as Weyrlingmaster, Cook, etc., and everyone -everyone-, to spread the word to their friends, neighbors, and little cousins twice removed.

Also, as I've been mistakenly gone ahwile -- please tell me of what RP-plots have occurred so that I can work them into the storyline. I want to incorporate what's happened in my abscence into positions and general storylinne. If Wessae is availible to be active, I'd -love- for her and T'bel to keep going... but no is certainly acceptable with a job and school all sorts of other craziness. If this has to be so, then my first thought for canon would be for Ginny and K'ith to return and take command. I'm willing to play these folks... okay, actually (I'd love to come back to playing them. It's been a long, long time.)

Anywho, so that no one feels any pressure one way or another -- silent vote. E-mail me back with your thoughts and a yea or nay. If it is a nay, I'll still write up a good story to give New Isle the graceful closure it deserves.

Fair skies,
Kitty (WolvenChess@aol.com)

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