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Date Posted: 16:53:24 10/06/06 Fri
Author: LG
Subject: Larth-isms! :D
In reply to: GC 's message, "Could be" on 15:17:11 10/06/06 Fri

That makes sense. ^_^ Because she's mentioned wild whers often enough, too....

And what happened with L'tol/Lytol's dragon is why I call them "Larth-isms" - in Dragonflight F'lar mentions that Lytol's dragon was an (unnamed) male green, and then in Dragonquest Lytol's dragon is said to have been a brown named Larth. So when she retcons anything, I refer to that as a Larth-ism. I forgive the Dragonflight-to-Dragonquest retcons more than the others because I feel like she was still trying to get a grip on her own world, but they do bug me sometimes.

And I'll believe you on the blue thing, for a very selfish reason! =^^;;= I was convinced for the LONGEST time that blues were the smallest, and I'd like to think that I had some sort of backing for it.

I honestly don't ENJOY the Pern books that much anymore, upon re-reading, for exactly the problem you mentioned: I dislike or simply don't care strongly about a lot of the characters. Robinton, F'nor, and a handful of others are the only ones I outright LOVE, and there's not many more that I genuinely like most of the time. I wonder sometimes why I ever loved her books so much, but I know I DID, so I guess my tastes have just been changing. :/ But I do like the world she built, and that's been the main reason I've kept reading the books; since Mom still unabashedly loves her, she still buys the books, so it's no money out of my pocket.

I don't know about the wher/handler BOND being influenced BY the mating flight, but the book makes it explicitly clear that the emotions coming off the mating flight are REALLY REALLY STRONG. Whers seem to be less one-person-only in their broadcasting even in Dragon's Kin, so it makes sense to me when they send emotions at people that aren't their handlers in Dragon's Fire. Doesn't mean the wher/handler bond isn't strong, though - I've always seen it as something about as strong as firelizard Impression, just in a different WAY, and definitely not nearly as strong as the dragon/rider link. They're definitely powerful empaths in Dragon's Fire, what with the "observe the power of a watchwher mating flight make everyone in the area have sex! 8D" scene in that book.

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