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Date Posted: 03:40:51 08/28/03 Thu
Author: Kieron
Subject: Love Is Freedom

Love Is Freedom

What people do and ive found myself doing it is that they don’t realize its two people in the situation. You have to realize that life does not always go your own way, the way you'd like it to. And that It's not always up to you how a relationship goes. Let go the need to control every aspect of your life. This is why people try so hard because sometimes its coming from feelings of a loss of control in their lives for something which was giving them so much pleasure. This isn’t love.

Regardless of what you feel or think should happen, you have to realize its not always up to you. They have to want to too. The more you expect a relationship to go a certain way, and it doesn’t, the more it will hurt. So the question is how long are you going to continue to hurt yourself until you get the lesson that love does not hurt – its only our expectations not fulfilled that hurts. Love just is, it is freedom. That is the difference of soul love and love needing, wanting, I desire.

How to let someone go?. We all have a little voice in our heads saying "I've lost them, There not mine anymore (Fear)", The thing is they never were MY anything. This is the lesson revealed - that no one ever is yours. These feelings and little voice have been programmed into you by society, by television and in the process you’ve accepted them and used them. They are not the reality of what true love is (freedom) between two people. So let yourself off.

"Now im getting the feeling that because she wants to break up with me that its all been my damb fault!, in some way". This means you are not accepting that even though you have done nothing wrong and being the loving person that you are, that this person has changed and made a different choice in this now. So stop beating yourself up over this one. You are the lovely, wonderful person that you still are and the only reason they are not going out with you anymore is because THEY don’t want to. This is what is meant by "Life is all about mastering every condition you place on love." And you will continue to manifest hurtful situations until you release yourself from any conditional holds you place on it. Loving someone unconditionally means you don’t need or want them to be any particular way.

But now my heart is shouting, and I can feel all these emotions welling up and they are burning "But were so good together". This is clinging on to the past, not accepting the now of what is. Review the past with relish and give thanks for it, that is the path of beauty. But try not to be emotionally attached to what was or even project into the future by saying what should be. This is expectations again.

Now I'm all over the place. "Who am I? Where, what? I don’t know what to believe." At this stage you cannot trust your emotions or mind to tell you what is true, because they are only revealing to your old habits and patterns. So to rise out of all this emotional and mental bigness, you first have to start with being totally honest and truthful with yourself - for the what is actually true, not what you would like to happen or should be. Ask yourself truthfully. Are they really what you want?. How is the relationship going?. Truth is always simple... Because what your mind (past) and emotions (programming needs) might be saying is totally different to what is actually happening. This is because what you’ve been doing is trying to avoid past bad experiences and at the same time projecting conditions and images of what your " I " needs onto the person. Strive to be warmly content with what is true between you both and build from this foundation. This is the only real relationship of any worth.

But now my heart is saying "So what's in it for me?, so far it feels like im not allowed to express my own feelings". This does not mean that you cannot express how you feel about the other person. More over fully feel these things, and express honestly how you feel and be totally truthful. The only difference, once you’ve done that, is that you're trying not to have any attachments to the relationship going any particular way. This brings freedom.

You will always put yourself into situations which mirror your intent. This goes for abundance, how you relate to others, your situations in life and love. What you think is reality is just a matter of perception. And you can choose to experience what has happened in any way you want to. So you could choose right now to see the truth of the relationship as it is, as a blessing or a curse.

"okay now I have a fear, I don’t want to ever manifest this situation again". You wont have to if. Its simple, its letting go, relaxing and being warmly content with the truth of what is being offered whilst at the same time expressing how you feel without conditions.

Soul love and the feeling of soul connection is one of the most powerful energies in the universe. Treasure it for the beauty it brings, be thankful for the recognition, but try not to own it because it will hurt every time. Love just is, its Freedom.

>>>Practical: When you feel emotional bigness coming up within you. Just be aware of the feelings. Allow them to flow through you, without stopping, without judgment and monitor what is there. By doing this you are bringing consciousness your feelings, you are listening to their voices and needs which brings integration through understanding. Assist these feelings to release and move through the body, by breathing in deeply to your belly through your nose and out your mouth. At the moment of exhale, release these energies and at the same time emotionally feel "I forgive myself" as a wash of love goes through you.

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