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Date Posted: 03:43:59 08/28/03 Thu
Author: Kieron
Subject: "Peace meditation with a difference" (moved)

Date Posted: 11:04:13 03/26/03 Wed
Author: kieron
Subject: "Peace meditation with a difference"

This is a spoken meditation especially prepared for all of you who are doing great work, and for others who may be finding it a challenge to stay in their center. There are a lot of things you can do to actively help at this time of planetary challenge. Remember, just by holding the vibration of love inside you, you are contributing to global awakening. The perceived threat of terrorism is terrorism, be discerning of the media. By fighting for peace, you are qualifying War. By being peace, you are love.

*** Copywrite kieron sibley ***
Please say this out loud to yourself, and it will strengthen in harmonics

I am at peace with my body
I am at peace with my life
I am at peace with my soul
I am at peace with others
I am at peace with my shadow

I dedicate my life to the highest truth, justice and love from this moment on.

My thoughts create reality moment by moment. Whatever emotions and thoughts I entertain I realize I have become. Thus I am what I think I am into being. In this I realize the need for self policing attitudes of where I wish to direct my consciousness (energy).

I dedicate myself to self discipline and truth so that I may be aware when I am being impulsed with mischief: "subliminal messages", "negative thoughts" and "emotional needs" which may not be my own or which may not serve my greatest good.

I release them, at the moment I am consciously aware of them, into the light, by projecting these feelings up through my body, using my breath, up to my higher self. Energy flows where consciousness goes. And as I do so, gone are the causes of dis-ease.

I release feelings of pressure, stress and "not enough time" as I remind myself that all power and potential can only be accessed in the now. The question is, What do I want to do in this now? Unlimitless potential is before me. What reality do I want?

I realize my choices are the causes of the effects in my life. Situations will present themselves as a result of whatever I decide to dedicate myself to. Situations which otherwise would not have occurred. And so I have decided to dedicate myself to one of the greatest causes, that of planetary awakening, which can only manifest beautiful situations.

I am the being who is both the observer and the observed. I am here to experience everything around me as the greater self that I am. I surrender to the greater self which is the all things That I am. Let my will be thyn, as it was in the beginning, and always has been.

In doing so, I once again claim the glory of love, peace and happiness as my natural divine heritage. My feet are in the ground as I smell the freshness of the earth, my head is amongst the stars as I feel the radiance of the cosmic greater being that I am. I am here now.

I call upon the soul of the earth, our collective greater aspect. I ask to be filled with great knowledge and wisdom. I wish to align with the will of the collective earth soul – in order to create with full force and beauty, the progression of all beings into higher levels of consciousness. In doing so, Gone are the shackles which bind us. Gone are feelings of self sabotage. Gone are feelings of separation. Gone are feelings of powerlessness. Gone are needs which are not my own.

I love myself and others. I am at peace.

What appears as mass individual awakenings is really the process of the evolution of the planetary soul as a whole. So I declare, by the name of the source of all things, Gone are the shackles which stop us from evolving. In doing so, I embrace change.

I call upon the inner sun of the earth to activate and radiate out all impure thoughts which has for so many years kept ourselves in bondage. It is time to forgive ourselves and one An-other - for self hate, self pity and lack

I forgive all, and trust in the process...

I feel the radiance of the earth sun under my feet, flowing through my body. As I breath in this golden light through my feet and into my body, I am quickened with kundalini. Above me, silver white light beams down upon me from the cosmos as I feel the stella prana life energies enter through my crown and into my body. I am nurtured by the light that I have become. I am a divine link, a pillar of light connecting heaven and earth. I am at peace, and so it shall be.

I call upon the greater soul of the all things, the one true source, that I am. I feel the strength and the closeness within my body. I ask to become a clear channel for divine essence.

I ask to be filled with compassion to let all things be. The compassion to allow each spark of light of the greater light to evolve by its own divine will. Thus creating freedom for all. In this, I give in to the understanding that there is a greater wisdom than my own personality may yet not understand…

I shall not be idol however, when mischief abounds and reveals itself. For I am a cause for great awakening by demonstrating each and every day the mastery of the love that I am. By showing others, by example, my vibration will fill the hardest of hearts and melt away illusion. I bring fear to its knees and open the doors to love without conditions. And In this, I realize that just by being the person that I am, I am holding a sacred light of truth which makes awakening possible.

Thus I have decided, I am a pillar of unshakeable truth and love here on this earth. As I hold the greater light, the source of all that is, within my being.

In doing so, I give hope to all, that they too can become all that they are, vast beings of the one true source.

I feel the power that creates life, the radiance of the greater spiritual sun within me. And I realize I am this projected light. I feel the luminous wonder of love, energy and song. My real eyes see and I feel all that I am. The golden hierarchy of never ending being that I may experience and progressively become...

And now ourselves, the collective earth soul is free to join, with other beings of light, to become a solar angel, as we begin the process of the activation of the inner sun of the planet. To join the ranks of hierarchy on higher levels of being to radiate to all life within this galaxy and the beyond that "I AM".

*** Please pass this on to others, thank you ***

Lightworker Website: www.geocities.com/linkmeglobal - chat rooms for meditations
I can be contacted at Email: shjenoob@hotmail.com

Democracy is an illusion fed to you at birth, Jedi's vote "no confidence" when the elections come, this is power.

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