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Date Posted: 04:24:25 08/28/03 Thu
Author: Kieron
Subject: 1st Shjenoob Message

>1 - 16th August 2001

Welcome wonderful You/Me's... this is Shjenoob. It is an honour to be speaking to you. Are you finding this mortal coil a long trek in the park? Don't worry, everyone else does it seems, even I do at times hahaha! For you see, we are all beings of great love and light, without exception... The degree to which you can express and "BE" love is unmatched even by the angels that exsist on the higher realms of being. This is why you have chosen to this difficult mission of comming to this earth plane. To separate the one conciousness and explore dualistic values.

For you were and ARE strong enough to handle this experience. And you have chosen this experience throughout here in this 3rd dimensional world to feel what it would be like without the inner voice of God; and to play in Free Will. You have chosen this experience so that all life everywhere can feel and know what it will be like to ascend back into the light, and go home. Do you remember?.

For you see, we, you and I are all connected to the one consciousness that is within everything throughout the multi-universe. We are nothing but smaller cells connected to the large one cell, the one true reality.

This is much the same as what you are experiencing within your own bodies. It is like your blood cell, or organs of your body in relation to the larger parts of you. You are alive as a whole unit of consciousness of yet smaller parts which are alive. For you see, and this may take time to come into your experience, the ALL exists are within the ALL THING and ALL THINGS are one. Thew thing which you call your self is non other than the conscious aspect of the impersonal God force that flows within the all and is the all.

It is all light... do you remember?

I feel you may have all come here through the mists of time, space and form to manifest at exactly this period of "Now-nuss" in the one time reality. Because this is the time for tremendous change, and it is the time of the greatest harmonic ever observed (Enlightenment).

It seems we all love this "Grand Game" we've been playing so much that some of you/us have have decided to play it all over again hahaha... This "College Earth" is about to hand out its diplomas it seems - just be open to it, and accept it when it happens for you. Open up to the love that you are capable of, "BE" your love and it will happen for you automatically.

You will then take up your greater glory and the heavens will open for you. And you will leave the confines of your self emposed experiment and ascend to higher levels of awareness. There to explore yet greater things.

You have always had this opportunity to take up your power and manifest your shared reality and co-create with the aspect of God aboslutely anything, yet few have chosen to do so or even been aware of it. I tell you know - you are more powerful than you know.

Judgement is a failure. Your judgement that things are or seem to be impossable is what is actually stopping you and robbing you of the possible experience. Everything is light.


Do you know that you have got the attention of the whole universe - even the great universal logos* - why? because we and you are doing something really unique. This unit of consciousness, this earth and all the beings that pertain to this earth, including you, animals, plants and minerals are all evolving at a tromendous rate, athousand fold plus each year, into the light of God. Something other "Colleges" and star systems have been unable to match. We are all very interested on how you are going to do it. We are all learning from you through the interconnection of our collective beingness.

And you are in a very unique position. you will be able to witness and experience this transformation as it happens, for you see, it will happen within your lifetime!!!, if you choose. This is the right you have earned, and this is the greatness that you hold, from playing this experiment from the very beginning.

And it is YOU that can become initiate this, if you choose to remember. For we in the higher realms can only assist. The LAW OF ONE does not allow us to interfer (unless asked and only at the most extreme of circumstances) nor would we, for we evolve through assistance. We would not dishonour you by interfering with your greatness. Be it known, there will be NO starships to evacuate you from your dying planet (Unless all life where going to become completely lost) - We will not interfer with you choices.

So you see, it is all down to YOU and only YOU to choose what you want to do with your time here. For you have only one liufe to be the person that you are right now, What do you want to do / be?

Whatever you decide, whatever you do within this lifetime, it will effect the whole of creation. This is very important time for you all. For you see, whatever you decide to manifest and hold within your hearts within the next twelve years will set the pace and direction of the next millenia.

I'll repeat, what YOU personally decide to "BE" before the year 2012, This will set the direction of the next millenia and the options we will explore together according to this 3rd dimension.The next twelve years has a greater harmonic attached to it. And like all causes, the effects are sure to follow. Strive to have ever greater causes - so that your effects are will be greater still. And thus a secret revealed: Reality is created by a future intent.

We have gone through this process this countless times before, it is nothing new. Do you remember? Each time you chose different expressions of life and in the process different ways of how to relate to the one true reality where formed. The only question remains, what are you going to do with it this time???... The answer lie's within

Open yourself up to the inner voice, your inner tuition, be still and know you are as one with God. And in those moments ALL the realities of God, mind and body are available to you.

I remain your friend as ever, who dances on the outskirts of the NEXT awaiting your rememberance

Love shjenoob

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