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Date Posted: 04:23:05 08/28/03 Thu
Author: Kieron
Subject: 2nd Shayonay Message

>2 - 10th September 2002

Greetings and love.

I am here to tell you now that have been duped into believing that you are the only sentient form of life expression in this harmonic universe, let alone the multidimensions.

The are those with certain agendas (Different options from the divine) which find it condusive in making you believe that there are no such things as "aliens" and even any form of "Off world consciousness".

This was not always the case. Did you know that most of your ancestors have within thier belief structures (Religion) accounts of experiences with contact with other beings in this harmonic universe?. (Dogons, Ezekiel, Egyptians, Mayans). Your ancestors who have gained information about your solar system and stars such as Sirius and Pleiadese, information which they could not have, without direct contact with beings not of the Earth. Intimate knowledge such as year cycles, distances from earth and how many planets revolve around the your sun. information, which up until now can only being proven by your sciences which take satillities into space to confirm.

Your ancestors also had intermate knowledge and access to other realms, dimensions and intertime.Your species has evolved into a design which allows you to transend accross dimensions and still remain intact. You DNA codex, once fully activated again, allows you full multidimensionnal migration. Right living, right thoughts and emotional clearance will assit you in awakening your DNA. (Leave questions on message board)

I am also here to tell you, your species is much older than you presently aware off.

>The Sphinx in egypt for example has water errosion along its sides. And the last time water was in that location on the earth was before the Biblical floods 16,000 years ago. A civilisation must have been around before the sphinx to have created it, so that pushes the date back by at least 18,000 years!!!. The Sphinx and the Pyramids are actually relics from the surviours of Atlantis. But Egypt is not the only source of mystery available. The Dogons of Africa and the Mayans who claim thier ancestors come from the stars.

In short those who are responsible for you education have been lying to you. For the easist way of manipulating consciosness and severing your soul cords with the greater aspects of yourself is to get you to believe that you have only had lifetimes on this being you call Earth.

By doing, and accepting the programs, you lose your experiences, rememberances and wisdom gained whilst you were in different forms of expression all over this galaxay, universe and multiuniversal levels. You lose your ability to gain access to information from other aspects of yourself which can see the broader picture of your present incarnational experience - which come as feelings of tuition from within, intuition. By stunting your access to intuition it takes away your ability to respond to manipulation, your responsibilty.

Do you know WHO and WHAT you are? Stillness of the mind will reveal all, observe.

*Grin* Sorry to tease, but its obvious, when you can accept the totality of who and what you are, you will no longer create discord. For there truly is no separation.

I wish you great joy and re-member-ance, love


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