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Date Posted: 14:54:55 12/02/03 Tue
Author: Kieron
Subject: The Star Of David Planetary Alignment Nov 8th 2003

I'm always amazed at the synchronicities, after our space clearing intent, two different groups came the following weekend and felt guided to do the same thing. We joined a precession that would go through Glastonbury high street "beating the bounds". It brought back memories of the past when we used to light up the night sky with flames. Echoes of long distant past. We proceeded down the high street, playing drums and flutes and various instruments, kids fire twirling. The night was alive with spirit. The Police looking on and lurking. We got the middle of Glastonbury and a tremendous spontaneous raw irrupted from the crowd as energy released itself with blessing. And then the proceeded on towards the Tor to where the fire pit was waiting. On the way, the precession broke into sporadic laughter and giggles as we played "it", giggling like mad things and running around chasing each other. The night by the fire pit, bringing our intent back into the ground and laying it to rest was amazing. I have been called to move to Glastonbury, but with no real agenda other than knowing ive got to be here. Since then ive allowed myself be guided on what to do next. I've seen so many well meaning people come to Glastonbury, wanting to do their thing here only to find that it spits them out after a couple of months. Some people want to do their thing to the place instead of allowing the place to move them it seems. I sometimes get the feeling to go up the Tor and bring my gift for the Earth (dragon). My gift is drums. And I play the laylines for peace. The night of the Alignment was a good time. I got up the Tor and just as I arrived, as if it the scenery was set, The other musicians had finished their set, which allowed me the chance to start one off. I tuned in and played the rhythm of the earth dragon there. That night was amazing, a sea of energy, nature, spirit and people – alive with the tunes of the universe.

The star of david planetary alignment was on the same day as the end of the mayan calendar year cycle (260days). At the end of a mayan calendar year it is a symbol for how you personally are going to experience reality in the consciousness shift of 2012. It represents a short rerun of these energies, a practice run of the energies through your system. What did you experience on this day? People getting together to share love, feelings of joy and oneness? Feelings of stress and flu? Well this is just one run through of these energies and there's plenty more doorways for you to step through if you wish. If you didn’t enjoy your experience perhaps you can start to make different choices so that your experience of reality matches your own personal vision of bliss (heaven) and when the full monty comes round your body and soul will be in alignment. What comes next is some things you might have experienced over the alignment period and I thought id like to share my feelings about it and describe what might be going on. I've included it because some of you might find similarities with it and your own experience.

Flu – Leading up to and during the star of david alignment, which was just another energetic gateway. Loads of people got the flu this was because their bodies where readjusting to all this new energy, new ways of perceiving reality, new frequencies. People got the Flu because they were dropping things which no longer served them. If people hadn’t worked with certain emotional issues, it will release itself in different ways, one of them being flu, which is emotional energy.

Falling asleep – a lot of people were going off in dream body to do things like visit inner plain ashrams on this planet and others, Some were doing healing work, most wanted to be close to the mother (earth) at this time. It also provided space/time for your physical bodies to get in tune and harmonize to the new frequencies.

Feeling oddness – If your still feeling this way. I'll suggest that you ground because you may be experiencing disorientation after your dream body travels. Your soul/solar body is experiencing time distortions. Rub your belly and your face for a while whilst deep breathing. Try rubbing your hands with deep breath and then clapping them. Go running. Lay on the grass and feel your body presence. State "I don’t have to feel defensive / I am loved / I am at peace / I am here now"

Kundalini symptoms - Burning feeling down spine. Skin feels tingly. Feeling faint. Pressure just behind the eyes and headaches. Seeing flashes of light, like either some ones shining a torch in my eyes or lighting up the room. What I am describing is the kundalini is awakening. If you are experiencing this Well Done!!!. Lots of people wish they could do this and try to force it, but if this is your experience over the alignment period yours is opening naturally. There is nothing to worry about, this is all quite natural. First things first, there is nothing wrong with you. Its just an attunement process, just bend yourself into it (like period pains) and nice feelings will result I assure you. Just lay back and enjoy the sensations instead of trying to fight it, take a week off from work if you can. If you let go a little, you might enjoy it. When the feelings of ecstasy can come like waves, allow them to fill you. You are allowed to feel horny!. Don’t worry, your body and nervous system is undergoing an attunement process, which may last several weeks, but afterwards you will experience reality in totally new ways. Don’t be surprised if your friends change because of this.

Painful buzzing and high-pitched noises in ears - This is usually communication from your higher self to you. It is usually information coming to you as light language. You might get very profound incites or start to see visions. All of this is natural. You are being given a "dangling carrot". The pain is your nervous system trying to integrate to the new energy levels.

So what to do? - If its getting really intense what can we do? How can we do this transition period in a more harmonious gentle grounded way? Heres some things to try… Please feel free to contact me by leaving messages in the messages section on own website.

· Inform your higher self / inner being to be gentle, lay off the volume a little, turn down the intensity of the energy. Your higher self part of you has no physical feeling sensors and only knows how much energy its giving you when you go ouch!. So talk to your body and your higher dimensional self, send it feelings of love, and inform it your needs.
· Have a nice bath and imaging clearing your aura too, and all negativity going down plug whole into earth and into oneness. The earth has so much love that it can transmute anything you give her.
· Breath intentionally with one hand on belly the other on heart, in through nose into belly, imagine light coming in. Breathing out through mouth, release tension, let go, be still
· Have some Reiki done from a friend, specifically the base to crown chakra and back of the neck areas.
· Do meditation which promotes feelings of oneness, go out and feel nature around you, just be a silent witness to the totality of what you are.

(c) copywrite kieron sibley, all rights reserved 2003

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