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Date Posted: 03:45:11 08/28/03 Thu
Author: Kieron
Subject: Distractions (moved)

Date Posted: 14:53:25 03/31/03 Mon
Author: Kieron
Subject: Distractions

An extract of a letter to a friend

>>>All these new ages sciences and workshops are playing on peoples fears. They feel they need some form of protection. And a sense of missing out if they don’t do attunements or initaitions. They are also playing on peoples egos, by making them feel like they are getting insider information. That somehow without these attunements and chants they will not ascend.

Life is a little simpler than that, if you nurture and maintain an energy field of love, acceptance and direction you will get to ascend with your world intact. A simple uncomplicated world. Were you are at peace with your shadow. And your shadow is at peace with you.

Nature just is, and on one level you can feel the land and the consciousness grids being spun out and "everything's bad". And then you can spend a day in the woods, see the plants coming up and feel that the worlds at peace… Which world do you want?.

The earth does not have the concepts for good and bad, She just IS. She doesn’t understand these concepts, because there's no words for good or bad in nature. She just allows, she is balance

Because we are waking up and discovering who and what we are, there will be more and more dramas to get involved in. All of these dramas are being put out by "tell-u-a-Vision Programming" telling you what reality is, and thus creating the reality they want, holding back the tied of evolution… all serving to distract you away from who and what you are. They are using fear, love, gratification, leisure as distraction. Nobodies teaching self policing attitude or self discipline of emotional and mental bodies. You will be needed soon. Just by being the person you are you are making awakening possible here. What reality do you want to experience? or be told. But its not about us vs them. Its about everyone forgiving themselves and others, its about realizing we are all one global family. All with the same hurts, same passions and feelings. Its about understanding that just by holding the vibration of love you are making the evolutionary process possible.

With love

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