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Date Posted: 03:48:47 08/28/03 Thu
Author: Kieron
Subject: Cosmic Heritage - Our links with the star and starbeings (moved)

Date Posted: 18:57:29 07/14/03 Mon
Author: Kieron
Subject: Cosmic Heritage - Our links with the star and starbeings

Copywrite kieron sibley 2003

Cosmic Heritage Timeline - And The Wisdom Gained From Incarnations Not From Earth As Different Expressions Of Life In The Universe

I would like to tell you a little bit about history before we start this evening. Or should I say HIS-Story… OOOoo!!! His-story has told you that we have only been around as a civilization since about 5,000 bc... Yet, the scientist who we so readily trust as being an authority on the subject cannot explain structures which have been made, dating back to before the ice age 16,000 year ago (sphinx). You see, by setting up belief structures telling us how old we are, it is easy to disempower society– so that we don’t question or even seek to find out our true earth history.
There are also many other mysteries, for instance, most of us have heard of the sphinx – in Egypt. Well did you know that its been proven to have had water erosion along its sides?. And the last time water was in that location in Egypt was before the ice age. So, you see, the sphinx must have been around for at least 11,000 years!!!. And a civilization must have sprung up before that time to have designed it. Perhaps the sphinx and pyramid complex is actually a relic from the atlantean age… Could the scientists have got their time lines all wrong after all? - and if so just how old are we?
Another mystery. Has anyone heard of a tribe called the dogons - near Timbuktu in Africa. Well, this so called primitive tribe has information presumably they couldn’t have. They created cave drawings which claims to have knowledge all about our solar system and its moons – but seen as if you where approaching it from outside our solar system!. To them earth is the seventh planet, not the third!.
They also have information about a star system called Sirius, its density, yearly cycle and distance from earth. But better yet they claim that Sirius is actually two stars very close to each other, even though if you look through a telescope, it appears as one spot of light. It was believed for along time that their information was just a legend because even bigger telescopes couldnt see these two starry bodies. But the thing is, Scientists have only just proven that the Dogons were correct after all, within the last 20 years, and it took a satellites into space to find that out.
Now this is the important thing, if the scientists can agree that the information they have on cave drawing is accurate, then they will also have to accept where the information came from… So when they asked the tribe where they got this information from. The dogons told them that their ancestors saw a UFO shaped craft, which flew down and created a big lake. Dolphins like creatures jumped out into this new lake, swam up and talked with their elders and passed this information on… There are many mysteries here. In short the people responsible for your education have been lying to you. And there are more and more discoveries every day pointing to civilizations starting much earlier than stated.
Science also dismisses alien contact as the imagination of primitive peoples, yet they cannot explain how primitive cultures possess information which they can only prove with the use of computers and satellites. Native Americans, aboriginals and many other tribal cultures have always known their origins, their ancestors, have come from the stars. How do we account for this continuity of ideas between continents and different tribes?
Cultures such as the Sumerian, Mayan, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Native Americans, Aboriginals, Pagan. All These cultures and many others actively acknowledged the existence of otherworlds and otherworld creatures. What if these accounts where not just symbolic, but more literal accounts of the experiences of Interdimensional visitor contact?
There are more and more people nowadays, who have reported alien contact with numerous forms of off world consciousness, and who have, once reporting their experiences and findings to the authorities, have been victim to blatant harassment and death threats. By the government (govern-mental) and by secret societies. Why is this, what have they got to hide?.
Well, one of the reasons, the easiest way of disempowering society is to put out the idea that you have only had incarnations on the earth. This breaks the links you have with your cosmic heritage, your experiences and the wisdom gained from incarnations not from here. For there may have been many times when you existed in one form or another as different expressions of life in the universe, not all of them are human forms. You may have existed as a conscious being in the vibration of Sirius, Pleiades or Arcturus for example. But by his-story telling you that you’ve only lived on the earth, it severs the intimate vital link we have with the universe, our multidimensional self and divinity.
I would like to address this history, and help you remember a different one. One in which will help to give you back your freedom and access to your cosmic origins. I invite you to be aware of how you feel when I read this.
The new age movement has developed a technique called channeling in order to establish communication. This is often in the form of telepathic communication with a willing host, in dream time or in a trance state. There are numerous people who channel telepathic messages in this way. To be honest, a lot of it is just a marketing ploy, but some are really genuine. If channeling is fact or imagination, it makes no difference, because the people experiencing it, its real for them. Reality after all is an individual experience… Living through an experience of being contacted in this way with other consciousness has changed many lives.
Ok, so, if weve had visitors, why would they come here in the first place?. What would be their reasons for doing so?. Well, I would like to shed some light on a few agendas which have become known to me through other people such as barbera hand clow, Virginia essene, Dronvolo and my own personal experiences. One possible explanation why they would be interested in us, is that we may be connected in some way. That this connection is genetic one. And this is what many creation myths suggest.
Scientist have told us that they have proven that humans (homo spaien) have evolved from apes. This is because they are assuming that they will one day find a link between the Neanderthal human and us. They assume we must be related to the Neanderthals, simply because we look the same, even though they haven’t found any evidence of this link. Where the evolution story may be true for Neanderthals, that they are indeed linked with primates, They haven’t yet found a link between Neanderthal man and us - the homo-sapien. Nor are they likely too. Its funny how nobody ever questions this next bit… Science cannot explain how the homo sapien appeared on the scene within a time scale of hundred years or so, doesn’t it seem strange that weve had an amazingly accelerated evolution process?.
One possible explanation for this is that we may very well have been created by an outside force. That thier DNA might have been mixed together with the neanderthols to create us. That we are a mixture of DNA donated from many different worlds throughout this galaxy and beyond – And that this mixture was seeded here on earth at our very beginning. In other words, an advanced civilization visited earth – mixed their own DNA codes, through and interbreeding with the indigenous species of earth, the Neanderthals, to create us the homo sapiens. We may have been created in this way by the so called creator “Gods” the "elohim" "nelaphim" and this is why these themes appear in many religious texts.
The reason for why we where created is a long story. So I will share with you what I feel to be true. When I tell you this, It is only one possible explanation and personal theory. It is a new timeline for you to experience. I hope that you find some interesting confirmations with what im about to share.
The oldest ancestors so far in liner memory are from a constellation called Lyra. And it is here that I would like to talk about our ancesters. Conscious beings who evolved on Lyra eventually learned how to co-operate with each other, all the beings which formed the Lyran planet soul moved into unity consciousness. Some remained there, whilst others discovering control of their density wished to traveled the universe. They activated their lightbodies, their merkaba's centered on there hearts and traveled interdimensionally. So the Lyrans split up and for a time. There were Lyran's who stayed on their home planet and Lyrans who roamed the universe. The ones traveling around eventually split up again and created the Vega, Haydes life forms timelines. These also split again and created those from the Pleiadese, Sirius
What happens next is not clear in the akashic memory. But those left behind on Lyra, picked up a DIS-EASE. A disease which caused a war and a separation in consciousness. This disease is described as that of experiencing a separation from divine source it is an illusionary state, which allows individual beings not to feel responsible or accountable for the things that they do - Because the experience of the interconnection of all life is lost. Caught in this illusionary state they are not aware that their actions will effects all others.
Because of the effect of the disease, a war broke out on Lyra. Some tried to escape into the star system of Orion. Unfortunately in doing so, they infected another star system, another solar being. Eventually Lyra settled down and continued along an evolutionary divine path. So we have a peaceful race on Lyra, with Sirian, Pleiadian, Haydian cousins and another race which went on to Orion and infected it.
Meanwhile the beings on Sirius (descendants of Vega) eventually evolved into unity consciousness and went super nova, the Sirian planet became a solar body of light. As its body ignited, some chunks of it flew off and created a comet planet (Called Meldak) and another chunk became the core of the earth soul. Not many people know that the core of the earth may actually be a chunk from Sirius.
The ones that escaped the war on Lyra into Orion still had the disease of separation. Of all these beings in Orion, twelve families or tribes were eventually formed. These twelve families eventually became peaceful and progressed into unity consciousness – they became guardians into the portals of alternate universes.
All the families of Orion became highly evolved beings; all except one. These are the grays. The gray house still had the disease of separation and were not willing to shake it, try as they might, even with the help of outside assistance from the Pleiadians, Sirian and Arcturian council. Some of the grays tried to escape from the Orion disease and inhabited a new planet all of their own to start again. This planet was called Maldek.
The greys now on the planet called maldek orbited around Sirius every 3500yrs because it was one of its chunks still caught in its gravitational field. The greys become known as the annu, annunarki or nelaphim at this point. They still had the disease of separation. The annunaki discover nuclear fusion and because they where not conscious of the effects it may have to the planet, they eventually blew up and destroyed their planets atmosphere.
A plan was conceived that the only way to repair the damage was to place gold dust into the atmosphere to reflect the suns rays to stop global warming. They were beginning to die out and so began to scan the timelines. They found that the only place with enough gold for their needs was Earth, and so they arrived on earth in about 400,000bc using synthetic merkaba devices.
Many others chose to escape maldeks disease and went to Mars and start again. Mars was very much like earth at the time. The Martians, the greys descendents were very successful… until they also discovered nuclear fusion and blew up their atmosphere. Many were repentant, and called for assistance and the entire Company of Heaven, the melchizedeks replied and embraced them.
The melchizedeks are a collection of beings from all around the universe, who have made it into unity consciousness and who are dedicated to assisting all others wherever it is possible. They assisted them in incarnating onto the 4th planet within your Solar System. They taught them about unity consciousness, but unfortunately they could not hold it and fell further into illusion. This planet they destroyed too with the psychic wars. The result of this was the formation of the asteroid belt, which is also called the “hammered bracelet”, and can be seen between Mars and Jupiter.
At the time of this explosion of psychic energy, many Martians chose not to move into the Light, and due to the cosmic law of free will, nothing could be done to assist them, they where due to experience the second death and be reconstituted, into all that is, as raw energy. However, by the Grace of your greater being god, You the melchizedek's, the Pleiadian, Sirian, Arcturian, Andromedan and other wonderful Light Beings then stepped forward, and in your compassion and Love, offered these slow coach souls from mars and other star systems opportunity to embody on Earth in some time in the future.
So now we have the annunaki/greys from maldeck and martians living on earth, both from the same house, with the same disease, and with the same DNA locks. They set up an earth base in order to mine for gold because maldeks atmosphere was destroyed and they needed gold particles to repair it. The only place with enough gold in the greater solar system was earth. They left behind some of their own to carry on mining until their planet made another pass. Eventually Maldek moved away from the earth to begin another cycle. Leaving a few behind.
About 200,000bc: The Annunaki workers rebelled with no influence from their home planet they wanted a holiday. And that’s were we come in, the homo-sapien. They created us in order to be a slave class. So that they could live like gods whilst we did all the work. This is why we have an in built appreciation for anything gold, its been bread into us. They did this by DNA manipulation and interbreeding with the indigenous species of earth, the Neanderthals. This deliberate act of DNA manipulation has often been painful, for when you look in the mirror your soul can remember your bigger eyes. This is why the Egyptians exaggerated their eyes with makeup. They where somehow trying to remember their divine image.
The Pleiadians (Haydes stock) and Sirians (Vega stock) are members of the melchizedek's who had made it into unity consciousness. They also had a hand in creating us. Their reason for helping out in creating us was because they wanted to attempt to unite the energies of both of their route races together again.
They wanted to get back to a point before their two races, the Pleiadians and Sirians split away from each other and evolved into different timelines. By mixing their own DNA codes with ours, they could combine both of their energies back into the first original route race, an earlier form; that of the Lyran, an earlier divine form of themselves. The plan was to eventually reinstate this new design (us) back into their own timelines and thus unite and integrate their ancestral routes.
Through us we would all get back to an original divine form. The encodings of the genetic heritage through the Sirian and pleiadians, allow humans to surpass their Highest Potential, and become the Christed mighty I Am Presence on this Earth. For you see, We are an experiment to see which starseeded DNA codes can integrate and learn to co-operate with each other in harmony on an energetic basis.
Creating us would unite the two royal houses of Vega (Sirian) and Haydes (Pleiadian) into the divine form of human, and in doing so, cancel out all forms of DIS-EASE. We would then all be free to continue to evolve and reach the same vibratory level as all the other melchizedeks, unity consciousness beings.
These founder races, the Pleiadians and Sirians have been with us from the beginning, and they really want to assist us, their cousins, to see us grow and attain the same vibratory level of consciousness as themselves.
But they can only do this with a non interference policy. Evolution cannot be forced - it must be allowed to naturally evolve at its own pace within a free will choice process, otherwise its not conscious evolution or freedom. How else can we experience love? If not by choosing with our own free will, the choice to serve the greater self – the great spirit. This is part of divine plan.
In order to create us The Sirians and Pleiadians entered the ovum, the emotional body of the earth, "The halls of amenti" located now 1000miles in the earth. Here 32 beings melded into one in order to hold and form a human consciousness energy grid.
Heavenly council of 12 were all 9th dimensional beings. These 12 were all representatives from different enlightened star systems who came and assisted in the creation of the human grid. The heavenly council of 12 are now here again and have chosen to manifest as the crystal skulls. These beings, the crystal skulls, took up positions around the earth to hold these grids of consciousness whilst they where being formed. Once formed they interlaced this new grid into all the other consciousness grids of the earth. The earth soul now continues to dream us to allow slow coach souls to progress.
They also brought with them and seeded many different forms of life from around the galaxy. Such as some plants and animals from their worlds. They had a hand in creating this experiment that would be played out on earth, to make a living library of life forms. They did this to see which ones would survive and were able to discover how to co-operate with each other. Gaia is unique in this universe in this regard, it is a whole living being unto itself holding many different forms donated by many different worlds. It is a living library.
They seeded many forms into the energetic emotional body of the earth and watched to see which ones would manifest. To explain, Its kind of like when you get emotional for long periods of time, so much so that eventually you start to becoming sick, and if you worry for long enough, it will eventually become physical in the body. Like cancer, a phyisical thing. This is how reiki works, it deals with the emotional energy, which eventually filters down into the physical and cures people. Well the earths emotional body is a bit like this, by having all the designs stored within its emotional body, its aura, it can create them at will in the physical. Nothing is ever lost, just remembered.
For example. The last time a comet big enough for a global wipe out came and hit us, it killed almost everything, especially the dinosaurs. But from this almost no life state came all of this diversity that you see around you. This is only possible because the energetic DNA information is stored within the emotional body of earth. It can rebirth and manifest the patterns, these templates of life forms, time and time again, physically. So the first law of immortality is to live a life worth remembering.
All the things of the earth are in one sense functioning as a unit of consciousness because we are all interconnected with it. Gaia, the earth being, is responsible for sustaining all of these consciousness grids which create life forms. Thus the earth owns you; and it can manifest or destroy these patterns at will. It is re-membering us, dreaming us, and keeping us alive.
Just as we are spirit having a human body experience. Realize that the earth too is a spirit, having a planetary sized body experience. Likewise yet greater things such as our sun, or galaxy are also spirit having a “larger Body” experience of its own. There are many different layers of collective consciousness.
So we now have an earth base of greys and martians known as the annunaki living on earth with us being a slave class. The pleidians and sirians had a hand in creating us only because they wished to unite the energies of the two families back into their original divine forms that of Lyra and thus canceling out for all time the disease of separation. They made us tough and adaptable, but in doing so, they didn’t realized that our creation would wipe out the indigenous race of earth, the Neanderthals. This was because we were programmed to protect ourselves and be defensive. Also in order for their experiment not to run wild, they had to control our numbers, so in the beginning we, the humans, where all sterile.
Humans eventually become self aware and exceed our design, because we discovered how to awaken our Kundalini and Prana channels; which meant we now had the power to procreate using sexual tantra. This story appears in many different religions. But one of them is the story of the apple in the garden of Eden (assisted by the jupitarians snake symbol, Pleiadians and Sirians.).
We escape for a time away from annunaki/Martian control. The annunaki where angry because their experiment gained self awareness. During this time, the forward evolution of Humanity was slow due to the negative karmic patterns which distorted the alignment to your Highest Potential.
About 100,000 BC, A call was put out across all dimensions requesting 144 000 Light Beings to volunteer to create Souls through which to embody, and to further anchor frequencies of unity consciousness onto this earth plane. Some of YOU the Pleiadian, Sirian and other glorious Beings such as the, Hayden, Andromedan and Arcturus, chose to down step into the third dimension and manifest on this Earth plane as seventh degree Melchizedek Ambassadors
You did this to take on these karmic patterns. You soul merged and birth many of these slow coach souls to assist humanity. This was done in order to bring more Light and love onto this Earth plane, to awaken memories of your multidimensionality as co-creators with the Company of Heaven and your ultimate divine self. And through your compassion, and assistance to this Solar System, many slow coach Souls from other fallen star systems would continue to be birthed, and ascend into the Light. You assisted in the creation of an early human civilization called hyperboria which lead to Lemuria and later Atlantis. The melchizedek Sirian and Pleiadian council created the first mystery schools, which taught unity consciousness
65,000bc The first great golden age begins. An era of Peace, co-operation and Harmony was to exist for at least 22,000 years. For a long time, the annunaki/Martians tried to live peacefully along side us, assisted by Pleiadians and Sirians, as they tried to comprehend what emotions and co-operation was all about. But eventually it all collapsed and many wars ensued, this was because they did not understand universal laws. They are terrified of love, they don’t understand or comprehend it, and they slipped back into wanting to take control again.
Meanwhile. The grays in Orion, who did not escape to the planet Maldek eventually had to move on, because the other 11 families in the Orion vibration would no longer sustain their density level, their disease of illusion. There was too much light and too much love to allow for feelings of separation. So they knew they would have to move on because they didn’t or couldn’t accept change. By this time they had mostly forgotten about external merkaba technology. So they began to experiment (instead of going through the process of spiritual development and discovering how to control personal merkaba's), unfortunately in doing so, this time they also somehow managed to destroy their kundalini and in the process made themselves sterile. So not only where they infected with disease and emotionless, they now also began to die out.
And so a cure must be found, in order to continue their evolutionary timeline. They had to repair their energetic bodies. And one of the ways they could do this was by finding the missing part of their DNA. This missing part would give them back their emotions and reproduction capability or go extinct. They knew that Orion could no longer sustain them, and that they couldn’t draw life force from them anymore. So they began to scan the timelines. And they discovered, the only place in the universe, in this now, was the earth library. So they eventually turn up on earth. Looking for the missing DNA codes in us, their closest relative – still with DNA from the oldest of ancestors, the royal blood of Lyra. This is the main reason for most of the alien abductions by the grays. They are learning about emotions again and are looking for the missing royal Lyran DNA in us.
About 28,000bc The grays create a dark portal onto your Earth plane, the discarnate slow coach Souls waiting to embody on the earth were able to astrally influence those humans who were most spiritually weak. They again began to influence you and where intent on controlling your Earth and her people.
Then About 16,000 surprisingly a comet comes along, and served seemingly, poignantly as a message from spirit. It wipes out most of the anunnaki/martian living area and kills most of them off, and in doing so they move underground.
Some Annunki/Martians tried to escape the earth and created another external merkaba, like they had done a million years before on their own planet. However, they were unable to remember the technology, and this experiment failed, nearly destroying you and your planet. This synthetic Merkaba spiraled completely out of control, ripping open the lower dimensions upon which millions of the slow coach Souls were traveling, waiting to incarnate onto this Earth plane. These Beings were part of the disease, the dark Brotherhood, and consisted mostly of slow coach souls from all the other worlds.
To date - There was an out of control synthetic merkabah located in the Bimini islands – but which thankfully has been brought under control by many lightworkers. This accounts for your out of time 5th dimensional Bermuda triangle phenomenon
These discarnate souls who rushed through this rip in space time into your earth plane inhabited the bodies of those living at the time. Imagine 1000 souls rushing through you and forcibly taking up residence within you - all jostling for control. Even today, even after the mass mop up missions, many discarnate souls still remain and happy live inside peoples solar plexus, here they negatively influence those are most spiritually week. Because they are lost and confused, they are often mistaken for demons and angry spirits. There are those of you who have the ability to transmute and help pass on these discarnates back into their original zones, calmly and with love. If you feel you have a discarnate within your solar plexus, just send love to your belly, and ask the ascended master st germain or the plieadians to assit in taking this discarnate back into its own realm.
Back to the comet, when the comet fell and destroyed the Annunaki areas, it also destroyed Atlantis and Lemuria. They get swept under massive tidal waves. This all triggers another polar shift with ice and global warming. The survivors of Atlantis and Lemuria spread out and create Mayan, Egypt, Africa, native Americans and other cultures. This accounts for all the continuity between religious and cultural ideas.
The company of heaven, the melchizedek's and the galactic federation needed to assist the earth again. For you had fallen into negativity. As you had originally volunteered to take on board these slow coach souls, every help was given to you as you prayed for intervention. And as a consequence the company of heaven decided to create a synthetic Christ Consciousness grid within the cosmic law of free will. Instead of allowing this awareness to occur naturally.
This is because they projected a possibility into the future and saw that we would never make it through the next polar shift and we would eventually endure the second death and be reconstituted. But because they are karmically linked to us and have a vested interest in our well-being, because in a sense we are their cousins, they created an synthetic Christ consciousness energetic grid that connects to the human collective conscious. The effect of this is an awakening and a feeling of the Christ within.
Many of you who had ascended prior to the Fall of Atlantis, or who have incarnated as melchizedeks, have came back to help out. You came to assist in the creation of the Christ Consciousness grid around the Earth. You were given the Task of assisting in anchoring this grid through the recreation of energy portals. You did this by grounding them with sacred sites such as stone henge, and particularly through energy portal in Egypt, which would activate all other Light Portals around the earth.
After the Fall of Atlantis in 11 000BC, there were less than 2000 Ascended Masters assisting in this anchoring of the light. Head of the naascal mystery school was the immortals Aya and Tay. They are still very much alive and are head of the TAT brotherhood now in Egypt. Few Beings ascended during this time
10,800-8640bc: You entered into the photon band again during the Age of Leo, for a period of 2000years. Prior to this immersion, you entered into the null zone and experienced a polar shift. Your memories where whipped because of the electromagnetic energy holding your memory in place around your brain ceased. Memories of your Christ Consciousness and Highest Potential, as well as any other advanced skills, which you had learned and experienced were lost. You came out with no conscious memory of past events, and started again, in many instances, from the bottom of the evolutionary scale. You had to relearn everything from scratch, and start the process of reincarnation again.
But there was a blessing. The Whales (phyisical representations of the Sirian beings) still held onto your collective conscious akashic memory, for they are able to control their density and activate their merkaba in times of polar shift.
Furthermore, at the time of this immersion into the Photon Band, you where still locked in illusion which the Company of Heaven could not assist in transmuting, without your request of assistance. In this free will zone, you initially replayed out your realities, and distortions of Oneness. However, you are remembering at some deep level your connection to the Source of All That Is through your heart center.
7600BC, When the dust settles from the comet impact. The annuniki/martian cross bread survivors who where still living underground decide to surface. And this accounts for all those inner earth legends and race memories. The fallen Anunnaki were again exerting their negative influence. They tried to directly influence you by inserting their diseased energy patterns (DNA) into the human collective conscious grid. They raped and mated many earthly females, and this was a big blow to Humanity, as it caused aspects of humans multidimensionality to be lost, and with this forced sexual activity, caused the tantric and kundalini channels connecting you to your Highest Potential to become further distorted. However, many of the children from these forced unions were blessed with unusual qualities, and the Anunnaki further taught you about astrology, genetics, agriculture and so on, as they considered themselves to be gods to Humanity, particularly as they had created your ancestors. CONT>>>

(c) copywrite kieron sibley all rights reserved 2003

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