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Date Posted: 03:50:08 08/28/03 Thu
Author: Kieron
Subject: Cosmic Heritage >>> cont. (moved)

Date Posted: 19:10:44 07/14/03 Mon
Author: Kieron
Subject: Cosmic Heritage >>> cont.

4000bc: Many of you that had become Ascended Masters during the times of Lemuria and later Atlantis, chose to remain on Earth for many thousands of years in order to bring about this ancient mystery school teachings to your spiritual Brothers and Sisters, and through the Melchizedek teachings, you were able to achieve immortality. Immortality by the way is not about being immortal in a physical body sense, not unless you wont to, it is about having an unbroken line of memory so that you will not have to relearn your cycles over again through constant reincarnation. You no longer have to go over old ground, by forgetting and remembering again.
The consciousness of Humanity was lifted by many mystery school teachings from the Order of Melchizedek, coming in from the company of heaven. This brought about the birthing of Egypt (The pyramids and sphinx being Atlantian relics)
In addition, the fallen Anunnaki exerted their negative influence during the Egyptian dynasties. The Anunnaki created a net of darkness over your Earth connected to the Christ consciousness grid. The dominating influences that have been seen on your planet over several thousands of years, particularly amplified in the last two thousand years, and the setup of the Roman Catholic Church was the direct influence of the fallen Anunnaki. You have seen yourself through the Age of Pisces, influenced by the Anunnaki/Martians, and other negative energies, including the Grays from Orion, who all form the secret Govern-mental
3800 to 0000: Thoth, Ankhanaton, Khrisnah, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed and other ascended masters held the vision of christ consciousness vibration. Through living the message of oneness within diversity, these experiences where recorded into our collective conscious ready for the time when we could access them again. At the time they where teaching it to people who where forgetting it the next day because humans where going away from the galactic center – and we were all experiencing a galactic night and a shutting down of our DNA.
800 Quetzalcoatl, a Melchizedek and planetary council member of Uranus, was the founder of Toltecs. Quetzalcoatl has similarities with Kuculcan of the Mayan's. He influenced the creation of many mystery schools teaching unity consciousness.
1700 The grays from Orion with no emotional body and sterile, began to do procreation and emotion experiments on humans - looking for the Royal blood of Lyra DNA in us to reinstate it within themselves. This was agreed by the world government in exchange for technology. Humans are a genetic storehouse of galactic origins, and because we’ve integrated both of these energies, we are of a good co-operative stock. By reinstating our DNA information, they do not have to forgoe the long process of evolution through trial, error and reincarnation. They are drawn to us because we offer a way forward. Because we are the new bread of existence. They start to look for the blue blood of the Christ, women who are direct descendants of Jesus, so that they can interbreed and try their old influence pattern of inserting their codes into the collective consciousness grid. And thus be able to directly influence humanity.
1950 (?) Hitler, assisted by the secret government and annunaki rises to power. Genocide of Jews was an attempt at destroying the Essene Jesus bloodline/Hebrew (neburu) star being DNA codes and connection with star origins, thus sealing this earth in a cage. The creation of the NET.
Hitlers knights search for the grail, the royal blue blood in women and once found forced the birthing of the antichrist – the Annu/Christ cross bread and begin to influence the collective consciousness directly. (Higher teaching - Hitler unites world in a form of unity consciousness by everyone being against him. We discover who we are through what we are not.)
1960 The hippy movement inspired at least through subconscious contact with the company of heaven and many others open the pineal gland temporarily and start to experience the unity consciousness vibration. This is closed down with govern-metal monitoring and introduction of drugs being fashionable, opening people to the influence of lower astral entities.
1972: A divine intervention was called for by humanity and given, and with the assistance of the Sirian, Pleiadian, Helios and Vesta, the polarity of your sun has been reversed and a holographic Light bubble has been placed around Mother Earth to enable your solar system to move through the null zone and into the Photon Band, without experiencing the loss of the electromagnetic fields. And thus your memory would be intact and you would not lose contact with Christ consciousness, unity consciousness.
1989 Harmonic Convergence: Through your hard work and determination, The Patterns of Perfection through the Christ Consciousness grid in and around your Earth plane and within your Solar System have been completely reinstated due to your location with the galactic center and the tremendous work of your lightworkers in holding love frequencies. The synthetic Christ Consciousness grid around the earth plane which has been activated again and is causing you to re-remember the etheric Earth records of your spiritual journey, which had been sealed within one of the energy portals in the halls of records in Egypt. You are beginning to re-experience how it feels like to be a jesus, budda or Krishna, how it feels like to be in unity consciousness. You are beginning to rember you cosmic heritage and many of you are ascending again as seventh degree Melchizedek Ambassadors of Light.
There are Many wonderful planetary alignments, eclipses and crop circles which signal portals in time for potential awakenings
Aug 1999: Solar eclipse in Cornwall. A period of profound manifestation and creation. Also an activation of the star tetrahedron in every atom and molecule on this Earth plane, and beginning fazes of the clearing negative imprinting of your original Annunaki/Martian DNA. With your World Peace Days, portals of Light that have been previously inaccessible, have opened around the Earth plane, and the rays of Light coming to this planet are of such great intensity, that just by clearing negative imprinting of your original eight-cell blueprint, you will have done this for the whole of humanity because you are linked in with the collective consciousness grid.
2000: Many lightworkers took part in grounding kundalini and prana (heaven and earth) by creating pillars of light. This is the first time in a long while that most of human consciousness grid has been focused on having a good time in one form or another. New years day was a sunny one and a profound day of peace.
2003 - So currently – now 2003 - we have Melchizedeks from Pleiades, Sirius and Arcturus, who are the good guys, still assisting us with many mystery schools that lead you into unity consciousness, their agenda is of uniting both of their families together into the original form, that of lyans, through us, so that we can all get on with the process of evolution – because what effects one effects the all of creation. It is their attempt at putting everything back in order. Through our collective intent we are canceling out the disease and illusion of separation.
There are other beings, the annunaki/martians/greys who are exploring a different type of existence. They are experiencing a different option from the divine plan of eternal evolution and change. The options these beings explore include attempting to hold back evolution, and suffocate development.
Now this is the controversial bit. What appears as a governing system, a ruling class, and what we think the word ruling or govern-mental entails - is actually a front for the harvesting of our life force energies, our emotional energy. The annunaki have to harvest life force from us, because they cannot draw life force energy directly from the source. For to do so they would have to accept they are a part of the whole of creation, the divine and thus integrate themselves through the vibration of love all. This is the reason annunaki/Martians (our others) will struggle so hard to hold back the tied of evolution, and keep us in the net of disease. The options, the illusion, has caused them and us to lose touch with the inner self and our greater aspect.
So this is all part of the grand game or greater agenda that we all have, to some extent been playing out. Notice how society seems to have so many distractions in the form of games, music with bad lyrics, football, night club, sales, hard core sex – society telling you how life is, what a man and women should be – what is expected of you. What you should believe. How you should behave. How you should live and how you will die.
Notice also as we begin to discover who and what we are, the more distractions that will be beamed and programmed at us in the form of wars, foot and mouth, diseases scares, terror of terrorism, absolutely anything to distract us away from feeling who and what we really are. This is because, the more games and distractions we get involved in, the more we lose touch with our inner selves.
Always question anything which distracts you away from experiencing who and what you are and which impulses you to do things which are not of your highest light. Too many others are busily worriying about mr blair love life in order to feel nature, understand our emotions, how we relate to others, what do we wish to do with our time here and discover the greatest profound mystery: that of just enjoying the experience of being alive.
This ruling class of annunakki/martian/greys inhibitors, who still have the disease of separation cannot draw life force from the divine, so they enjoy implementing energetic vampirism in the form of mass emotional harvesting. They do this because they don’t have to feel responsible anymore. And all of this the human governments know simply because they are part of control system of rule, they are just as much stuck within the illusion net they maintain. Take it from me. War or Terrorism is the greatest generator of emotions. These energetic emotions are broadcast by us all the time, and they can be harvested and directed if you are not in your integrity.
But is not all doom and gloom. We are all bringing in such great light and love here. So much so that the NET is so obvious nowadays that even the common person is seeing right through it. This is only possible now because there are those, including yourself, which are holding the harmonic of love in your every day lives in order so that we can all awaken and evolve. Although the conspiracy does exist, why should we donate energy to it by worrying about it? Just focus on positively. Know this, Simply by holding your vision of oneness, and your being that, you will be a force that allows the Awaking process to occur… And in doing so your experiences will get recorded into the collective conscious to be accessed by all. For what appears as individual awakenings is merely a process of the conscious evolution of the planet as a whole.
So were do we go from here, how do we kick start the evolusion process. Intergration of all is the key and this can only come after forgiveness - of ourselves and ALL others, including the annunaki/martian/greysm for what they have done in the past. Because this now is more important than any past. "For I shall not leave here until all others are free from illusion and disease".
And yet nothing happens until you apply this information to your daily lives, that is part of the puzzle that spirit cannot accomplish for you. If you really want to make changes to the world around you, you first have to take responsibility for the things and situations you agree to create.
Ask yourself who is impulsing you with thoughts of anxiety about being safe. I am here to tell you Everything is okey, and anything which generates emotions to the contrary is just part of the illusion overlay. Please understand that the world exists only when you are conscious of it.
2012 is just a date. But it’s the intent of all those beings which is important. It represents a transition point. We are due a polar shift which entails the magnetic poles shifting to opposite positions. The last polar shift created 1000 mile an hour winds, tidal waves, trauma and memory loss. But we would like to point out that this is the last time you will choose to lose your Highest Potential through experiencing a polar shift in this way. YOU, and your others are scripting the next faze of the game.
For in the year 2012, when you enter through the null zone and into the Photon Band. Due to your wonderful light work, NO pole shift will occur, and your electromagnetic field of Earth will be stabilized, and you will experience Living in heaven – as you re-experience your true connection to all other things. For you have agreed to again come into this remembrance, that there is not one thing that you are not, so that your entire Solar System can ascend into the light. You are again finding yourself working with your lightbody and merkabahs, the seven earthly initiations, the shadow self, this is good. But do not feel the pressure to do these things, know that if you are walking on a spiritual path of growth and actively being your love, everything will become automatic.
For some, they wish to awaken their lightbody consciously, for others is it sufficient to cultivate love for the self and all others. There are many ways to help assist all beings, and a suggestions is to work from one of the twelve main portals of entry into the Earth’s atmosphere. The vortexes of sacred sites. You can bring down Pillars of Light from the ninth dimension, centered within your being, flowing through your heart centers into the earth and out through these portals. You can cleanse and heal this Earth, by your action of grounding heaven and earth through your body. We also suggest that you link with the galactic mind and natures time frames, with your brothers and sisters with mayan timecodes and solstices and equinoxes, where there are global ceremonies which create new realities. Never fear for a moment, for it is fortold that peace on Earth will be Gaias gift to the universe at the end of the mayan calander… Manifestation of the new vibration – will happen within your lifetime !!!
Entry into the Interdimensional experiences, were thought instantly creates form, can only come about when consciousness can co-operate with all others. You can join with others, who have attained unity consciousness, when you are ready for brotherhood, and have a grasp of the meaning of one another. You will then journey with us in different time zones and periods, from the third to the ninth dimension, and assist awakening wherever it is possible, as we clear, for once and all the remaining influences of negatively on this Earth plane, and within your Solar System. We look forward to this journey together, and to reintroducing you to the entire Company of Heaven, the melchizedek's of unity consciousness. For you truly are masters of love.

(c) copywrite kieron sibley all rights reserved 2003

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