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Date Posted: 03:52:03 08/28/03 Thu
Author: Kieron
Subject: Galactic Synchronization Events (moved)

Date Posted: 19:18:03 07/14/03 Mon
Author: Kieron
Subject: Galactic Synchronization Events

It seems that the energy of the planetary shift is gaining momentum. Time is a very tangible thing now, synchronicities and events will mirror exactly what our thoughts and choices are. Life seems more intense now, as the experience of the time it takes for the effect of your intent becomes more instant. I'm trying to keep a record of all the activations ive been involved in or have known about. If you have more, please let me know. This is what I have experienced life as so far.

· 11.11 and harmonic convergence 1986 – moving towards global unity consciousness, global soul reawakens global mind as hundredth monkey effect becomes publicly known.
· Ashtar bring down Christ conscious grid which was located 55 feet above the earth into the collective consciousness grids of the planet. Centered at heart chakra. People begin to have mass awakenings.
· 1998 creation of a Lightworker network (www.goecities.com/linkmeglobal), intent of gathering all other Lightworker groups together to share their information, links and events. Assisting the Rainbow tribes forming.
· 1999-2000 Obod druids inspired by spirit of the land at Godalming location decide to make a Stonecircle. Once complete it cleans micheal and mary line, allowing energy to flow along this artery and setting energy free from freemason/annunaki gridwork control. Inauguration and activation ceremony on eve of 2000
· Eve 2000 Mass global meditation linkup and wave of light. Earth receives energy massaged of love.
· Solar eclipse cornwall. Empowering the eclipse with blessings and using it as a lense for broadcasting intent of planetary shadow integration and change.
· Stars form a Star of david alignment. Motivated to create a stargate in centre of Glastonbury for people to experience, drawing down the potential into street level and integrating vampiric thoughtforms, and grounding in earth central sun.
· Pleiadian network project begins working towards the awakening of all chakras points of the earth and in the process awakening the collective conscious. (1 through 6 currently activated)
· March? Sept? mass killings of sheep and cows. Blood power charged with fear on the earth yet again. Outrage as govern-mental purposefully do nothing about vaccine they have. Mass emotional energy harvesting at this time.
· I organize a ceremony at Avebury and being impulsed to create a group merkabah and to ground cosmic and kundalini energies united and filtered through heart chakra. Blessing distributed along micheal and mary vains and consciousness grids, we see rainbows and sundogs. At the same time the melchizedek initiations at the sphinx are happening, with also the intent of opening the hall of records into the collective conscious memory.
· Peace demonstrations at world summit of global warming and eco issues. With Big group support and intent. Small sections turn violent by hired thugs. Suppression of alternative technologies such as water and sun powered car, wind turbines ect. continues.
· Demonstration about France doing nuclear testing on a tropical island. Which just happens to be the Christ consciousness chakra point of the earth – our collective consciousness being tested to see how strong we are, testing the harmonic convergence wave.
· Peace demonstrations, us piercing through the NET with public opinion of governments low – so new world order decide must have plan to make them seem like saviors and in the process make themselves loads of money (they own the companies which make weapons). Twin towers explosion, symbolsing attempted fall of the 11.11. vibration. The fall of the Tower in Tarot symbolism ultimate change directed by own will... Terrorists had a reason not to like America, because of their suppression. Terrorists where also victims of brain washing and hypnotism tactics, unconscious participants as agents called "silent triggers". Planes could not damage Twin towers sufficiently, so must have been demolished by underground explosives planted by CIA, confirmation interview with a survivor as towers falling saying "their was a big explosion at the base of the tower before the plane hit". This forms a very big public display of the illusion of global terrorism, when it is only a few factions and less of a threat than is perceived. It was a great public distraction!… as global peace demonstrations in 16 countries against global arms trading happened that day. Public being impulsed and distracted on all cannels on TV. People finding it hard not to watch, possibly Hypotic subbass tones. Public statement "The new threat to face our world today is terrorism" who is making that threat? The threat of terrorism is terrorism. Emotional energy harvesting as people are scared to take flights, insurance goes up ect. What turned out as containment for aggressive countries, turns out to be a battle of containment of America. America in a silent war with all countries, maneuvering themselves into a global empire. Which is global unity but without freedom. Integration, forgiveness then Unity in diversity if called for.
· April-March 2003 mass demonstrations for no war - but diplomacy. People feeling powerless, voiceless and frustrated. Emotional energy harvesting at this time. People fighting for peace instead of being actively peaceful and taking control of what they buy and accept into their lives
· Activation of group merkabah on sacred landscape of Glastonbury, six hills linked to heart hill at the center of original Glastonbury zodiac Atlantean gridwork (later additions are of the templar/annunki dominence and control system). Headed by Merlin. Helps assist earth and collective conscious release of dis-ease.
· 18th March 2003 Motivated to create a ceremony for the activation of central sun of earth, to radiate out all impure thoughts and mischief's, and now we are free to become a planetary solar angel.
19th March 2003 Being impulsed to visit Tor. Then inspiration to drum the heart beat of TOR as an activation of sacred heart of world, peace vibration
19th March 2003 Having peace and integration talk on TOR with a group of others stepping into unity consciousness (christ consciousness) and holding this energy. Then sending the energy of Ma-at divine truth out on laylines arteries as people sleep to pick up on all consciousness grids.
20th March 2003 1.01am Court of Avalon (Pan) activation of the whole the Glastonbury zodiac is complete. This being the 13th fire. The creation of a guardian for the zodiac, the dog guardian is energized and powerful.
22nd march 2003 – Synchronicity with Free mason number – new world order declare war and go against the wishes of the collective. The illusion of government and the Net very transparent at this time. Going ahead anyway because they know public attention span is only 3 weeks. Day of war. Also on this day, Indigo children meditation group (ages 5-15) start to tune into blair and bush and new world order
· march-april-may Public opinion swayed as media makes out that America and Britain are saviors of Iraqi people, but choose not to show how many Iraqi innocents they have killed and bombed in the process. Declare "armed confrict" not "war" which would have made them legally responsible for war crimes. America and Britain being an outsider aggressor, bombing museums and selectively killing Iraqi heritage. Forming an interim government for as long as they want, with no public vote as to who they choose to put in power. America and Britain appointing Iraqi positions but these are also agents. All this to be in control of oil. Suppression of alternative technologies such as water and sun powered car, ect. continues. When are we going to take personal responsibility for what we buy?
· 15-21st June Week preparing for the 13th tribe ceremony of uniting 12 tribal representatives into a 13th unity in diversity, and performing kundalini meditation. Wonderful group dynamics of sharing cultural ideas and no ego bashing between all. Refuge for ceremony energies was at davids house, centred on the Glastonbury zodiac the loyal protective dog energy on guard. Then taking the spear the symbol of justice, and the sword symbol for truth into Glastonbury bubble at the point at Compton Dundon, the pineal gland stargate of ankhenatons and the brotherhood of Tat's gridwork. Justice and truth archetypal energies enters Glastonbury heart vortex intentionally…
· 13th tribe weaving ceremony on the tor with thunder and lightning, and military helicopters circle as personal connections and intimate trust of twelve tribes is formed. Grand vortex energy of Kundalini rises out of the earths central sun as body becomes activated. Council of 12th together with Arcturian, Pleiadian, Sirian, Ascended masters and Nature spirit assistance felt. Synchronicities and confirmation: Also Mayan group have been working towards kundalini awakening for a week. 13th tribe, Mayan and Kundalini meditating group arrive on same day, same hour – with same intent – unity and awakening planetary kundalini. Pilton another group doing similar work with collective conscious at the same time as ceremony.
· Gong concert on Sunday, their group intent was also awakening planetary kundalini and sacred heart
· Earth central sun Kundalini awakened again at this point and earth is allowed to continue her work, energy vortex very present. The earth it seems was putting out a message for people to get in touch with their kundalini and the central sun of the earth and cosmic prana
· Dream time and soul travel feelings for a week, and integration.
· 25th June sacred dove gridwork on Glastonbury landscape identified.
· Lightworker network members list growis. The tribe is getting bigger as festivals and ceremonies have so many familiar faces.
· Tests begin on completion of theories of Telsa machine and free energy devices (Ac current). Tests conclusive, inventors name protected but information of how to build one will be donated to the public via the internet. This is the inventors wishes. http//www.seaspower.com
· Although I am aware of the conspiracies and there is an element of truth in them all, I am a conscious being and I choose where to dedicate my energies to. Its now time to forgive all (including those others who are the Annunaki governmentals) and move on to the next faze of the game. This lets us all embrace change. This is because we are all remembering how to co-operate with each other. For what appears as individual awakenings is merely a process of the conscious evolution of the planet as one collective living being…when fully realized we will break this period of stagnation, forgive and integrate our shadow selves; and eventually progressively move forwards in evolution, ever higher into different dimensional experiences and love. Every eon, there are windows of opportunity where the collective conscious can transform itself and leap forwards in consciousness. These messages and yearnings are coming to us all the time, and more and more people are feeling it and getting impulsed to find sacred sites, join together in groups, and to transform their personalities. Already the time is set – manifestation of the new vibration will happen in your life time.

© Copywrite kieron sibley all rights reserved 2003 Lighworker Network www.geocities.com/linkmeglobal

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