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Date Posted: 18:00:25 09/18/23 Mon
Author: Comicality
Subject: ~ ~ ~ Monday Movie Matinee ~ ~ ~

I truly believe that this week's 3M is about as much fun as you can have with a series this year so far! ::Still Grinning::

”One Piece"


I have to say that I had no idea what to expect with this short series going in. I had never seen the anime or have even heard of it before the trailer came out. So I took a look and gave it a chance. BOY, am I ever glad that I did! This show is sooooo much FUN! XD

When a notorious pirate is finally caught and ready for execution, everyone desperately wants to know where he hid his massive amount of plundered treasure is hidden. Well, he knows that he's got no further use for it, but instead of telling them where it is, he sets everyone out to go and find it for themselves to become the next king of the pirates. This of course creates a GIANT hysterically motivated generation of new pirates, all seeking the treasure of all treasures, and there is a young boy who has his heart on being the first one to find it. And there we have our story.

A GREAT story! GREAT characters, both good and bad! You've got a lot of hilarious moments, a lot of action packed moments too, as our main character 'Luffy' travels from place to place and begins to gather up his own crew. Some magical type powers, some martial arts, danger, swashbuckling, and a touch of drama that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Not to mention that Luffy's constant optimism and sense of adventure is incredibly contagious! It'll make your cheeks hurt from smiling if you try to binge watch it. Hehehe, even his enemies are cool!

Ten out of ten! Had me hooked by the end of the first episode. Check it out! You'll love it! :)

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