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Date Posted: 05:28:31 09/25/23 Mon
Author: Comicality
Subject: ~ ~ ~ Monday Movie Matinee ~ ~ ~

The series for this 3M selection could have easily gone on for ten more seasons, and I would have loved it! But they wanted three...and they wrapped it all up in three! Well done!

”Into The Badlands"


For those of you who have been around for a while, you might remember how crazy I used to go for this show when it was still playing every Sunday! Hehehe! Definitely one of my favorites, and not just because of the action and martial arts, but the story was really fascinating as well. There’s a lot to absorb with this show, but the world they built here was insane!

It’s like if you took “Django Unchained” and “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” and mashed them together! The lore of the series is really cool. There are these ‘Barons’ who own large pieces of land, almost like plantations, and they have ‘Clippers’ who are in debt to them for one reason or another and protect the Barons from being assassinated or overrun for their riches and strongholds. Our main character, Sonny, is one such Clipper...and in defense of his Baron master is sworn to defend the borders of his property, and handle any problems that may arise from other Barons who might want to stab him in the back the first chance that they get. There’s a lot of details that I won’t go into, as they’ve really built a whole world and a different set of rules for this society...but to make a long story short, Sonny is an unbelievable BADASS!!! And when he finds a younger boy who has been kidnapped and transferred to another place of business, he heads out into the badlands to protect him and keep him safe. Only to find out that the boy is keeping a deadly secret that may make him extremely dangerous, as well as the warriors looking to grab him for themselves! :)

So check it out! There are only three seasons...but by the time you get done with the first episode or two, I’m sure that you’ll just end up binging the rest! ::Giggles:: Enjoy!

And Widow? Omigod, she’s so fucking kickass! LOVE HER!!!!

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