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Date Posted: 08:20:49 10/02/23 Mon
Author: Comicality
Subject: ~ ~ ~ Monday Movie Matinee ~ ~ ~

It’s time for our spooky October 3Ms! So let’s bring on our fright fest with this creepy little gem!

”The Autopsy Of Jane Doe"


Hehehe, you would think that this movie would start off slow and build up with the scary visuals and atmospheric horror...but NOPE! You get tossed right into the darkness of it all...and if you think the idea of a movie about an autopsy is going to be short on the blood and gore...hehehe, you’d be VERY wrong! So, just know that this one is not for the faint of heart! It’s not too over the top, but this isn’t going to be a PG-13 ‘light’ horror flick at all. Trust me.

Basically, you have a coroner and his son working on one last body for the evening before closing up for the night. An unknown woman who is a ‘Jane Doe’ casualty that was found at what appeared to be murder scene and brought in by the police to find out the details of what happened to her so they might be able to figure out why. However, as they investigate the horrible things that were done to the body...from mutilations to broken bones...the coroners discover that there is something truly sinister going on here. Bringing an enraged spirit into their midst and making for one creepy ass movie!

Hehehe, one thing that I loved about this flick was the common sense of both coroners when things start getting freaky around them! They’re like, “NOPE!!! Let’s get the fuck out of here!!!” Hahaha! Unfortunately, they get locked in and are forced to deal with it all. But that cracked me up! My thoughts exactly! Good job, movie!

Perfect for a late night Halloween treat, “The Autopsy Of Jane Doe” is one of those movies that gets overlooked, but is more than worth the watch! So turn the lights out, crank up the volume, and enjoy! >:)

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