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Date Posted: 21:51:51 07/23/24 Tue
Author: JeffsFort
Subject: Anytime!
In reply to: Magnus 's message, "Thank you." on 19:02:07 07/23/24 Tue

"I know how much he loved her and if I can help her I want to."

That one comment sums up why I wanted so badly to set up the GoFundMe for "Momicality" ;) So far we've been able to take a $3200.00 chunk out of what she has recently had to deal with. I actually just got off the phone with her a few minutes ago because I just authorized the next payout to her in the amount of $765.oo which she was not expecting. I keep making excuses to her about why I can't just close it because she is worried about it being an imposition... as if ;) I told her I continue to wish I could do more and so do so many of us. I told her I should be able to close it in September but of course if people still want to help, I'll find another excuse to "not be able" to close it. ::grin:: The funds do go directly to her and as long as people want to help look out for her, I'll continue to be the man in the middle.

About the chat, it is not like the old days by any stretch of the imagination. It's is very quiet now but, shows signs of life on occasion and does have the random veteran Shacker sighting now and then. Of course you are welcome to join and be as active as you like. You may find a few familiar names in the member listing and might even catch one online ;) https://discordapp.com/invite/5rVAUj9

So, the Shack is still with us, even if the passing of time has felt unfair to it. ::HUGZ::

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