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Date Posted: 18:31:30 08/14/24 Wed
Author: Johnny
Subject: Yo Pete

I haven't been here since May and thought I'd check the site out tonite. I came across your message and birthday greetings, yeh I should have guessed it would be in you little black book. :) I will mail you I decoded your email addy lol. Rob and me are fine older but still as stupid I just realised I'm over twice the age when I first found Com's site. I saw the roll call post and you were in hospital I hope you're alright. You were always like a Grandad a brother because we both liked older music as well as new and of course you were always a friend so yes I'll mail you.

Scrolling through the posts tonight and other times in the past I saw a few guys that were around like forever. Turtle, Mike, Matt, Dom, Ice, Page. I didn't know Jeff from the site but enjoyed a lot of his stories on his site. Damn time flies but I hope life is treating you guys good. Some of us had our fights but families do always have done. I was a teen then and hey teens always know better.:) As I said I will mail you Pete and it will be good catching up with Chris and Erick. In the meantime you take care of yourself and don't have too many of those mega size burgers at that place you went to/go to. Hugz.

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