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Date Posted: 03:34:16 12/20/24 Fri
Author: JeffsFort
Subject: Imagine Magazine Question for 1/15

Yup, it's that time of year again. Time to look at the entire sum of our life and decide what parts of it we want to change. It's the same thing every year, isn't it? Maybe you want to lose some weight, maybe you want to get more exercise, maybe give up a bad habit or even pick up a new bad habit... Every year we all bring some form of resolution to the table and way too often, in a month or so we learn how many of them are already off the table. The last person that asked me what my New Year's Resolution was going to be just got a blank stare as a response because, I just hadn't put any thought into it.

Honestly, I think it's healthy to consider things in life that we want to improve about ourselves, provided it's realistic. "I want to try to be less short tempered at work." Is a good one. "I want to stop eating so much junk food." is another that if followed through on would be an accomplishment. But aim too high and you are almost guaranteeing that you won't be able to accomplish it. "I want to invent a best selling gadget that will make me a millionaire instantly." Yeah, plan to pretend you never said that one by February.

So how about you? Do you have a resolution you want to try to stick to? Do you think that it's realistic and have confidence that you are going to make it stick or did you phone it in this year? If you have one that you want to keep, what's your plan to make it happen? You never know, maybe your plan is similar to someone else's and maybe you both can team up and help each other. It's possible. So is the New Year, how are you making a New You? Or, is the old you your best you in your eyes? (That makes sense, right? LOL!)

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