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Date Posted: 16:25:39 02/13/03 Thu
Author: ICE
Subject: Re: gsxr-750 F1 indicator
In reply to: Van 's message, "Re: gsxr-750 F1 indicator" on 00:16:40 02/10/03 Mon

Dude, your tip over sensor is stuck. When you tip the bike over, a switch toggles shutting off your fuel (Suzuki thinks this keeps the bike from burning in a crash) This is a 2 inch square box with four philips screws holding a metal cap to it. It is located on the tail section, under the seat, close to the upper shock mount. Held on by a rubber bracket type sleeve thingy. I suggest unplugging this device, remove the rubber thingy, remove the metal cap, inside: center the metal slider on the white plastic U shaped bracket, and fill it full of silicon gasket glue so it never slides over to make contact again (I did this to my racebike because the lean angles are more than the switch allows.) Also, make sure the connection is good when you plug it back in. The computer knows if it is plugged in or not, (it has about 60 something ohms of resistance...)
Happy riding !

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